Investing in Ontario’s rural economy will grow all of Ontario and produce good jobs in family-oriented communities. To learn more about rural Ontario and its contribution to our economy, click here.
OFA encourages rural economic development policies and programs that support:
- Attraction, retention and expansion of rural businesses, particularly for the agri-food sector
- The expansion of agricultural operations into value-added agriculture, such as on-farm processing, direct farm marketing and agri-tourism
- Youth retention and attraction initiatives to encourage a skilled workforce of tomorrow
- Agricultural research and development stations and innovation hubs in rural areas, providing high-skilled jobs, technological advancements and enhanced productivity
- Rural small business support services to encourage business incubation, innovation and entrepreneurship
- Initiatives and opportunities to utilize crop residue feedstocks and purpose-grown crops to fuel the bioeconomy
- Access to reliable broadband internet for business development and utilization of precision agriculture technology
- Affordable natural gas access as a competitive necessity to attract and retain businesses in rural Ontario
- Social infrastructure such as rural schools, health care, child care and community centres for the health and well-being of all rural residents
OFA advocates for rural economic development policies by:
- Advocating for municipalities to take a leadership role in agriculture economic development initiatives using our resources on our website (www.ofa.on.ca/GrowAg) to grow the agricultural sector
- Communicating with municipal staff, non-government organizations, regional provincial staff and the private sector on agricultural issues in partnership with OMAFRA through our Agriculture Economic Development and Planning Community of Practice
- Campaigning for affordable natural gas access as a competitive necessity to attract and retain businesses in rural Ontario
- Collaboration on initiatives such as the SWIFT network to expand access to reliable broadband internet across rural Ontario
- Supporting the Agricultural System approach and the businesses and infrastructure that are linked to agriculture all along the value chain
- Encouraging progress from the province’s Grow Ontario: a provincial agri-food strategy
OFA Position
OFA encourages vibrant and resilient rural communities through its commitment to rural economic development. Policies that support the economic well-being of rural Ontario will benefit farm families, the agri-food sector, and the broader provincial and national economy.
OFA Submission re Veterinary Assistance Program (VAP) Review
OFA submission to the Ministry of Transportation on the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Planning Study
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed changes to the Development Charges Act.
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed changes to the Planning Act and Municipal Act, 2001 through the proposed Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024.
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed policies for a new provincial planning policy instrument
OFA submission to the Ontario Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding consideration of Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024
OFA Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) regarding the proposed legislative amendments to support municipal incentives for economic growth
OFA Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding the Rural Economic Development Strategy consultation
OFA submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding Ontario’s 2024 Budget
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to the Minister of the Municipal Affairs on Housing regarding the proposal to return lands to the Greenbelt
OFA submission to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Proposal to Return Lands to the Greenbelt
OFA submission regarding the Broadband Fund Policy Review
OFA submission to the Ontario Treasury Board Secretariat regarding the proposed approach for regulations under the Building Ontario Business Initiative Act
OFA submission regarding the proposal to modernize the Veterinarians Act
OFA submission regarding the draft Grocery Industry Code of Conduct
OFA submission regarding the future of competition policy in Canada
OFA submission to the Niagara Escarpment Commission
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA letter to the Finance Minister regarding the LCBO mark-up and wine levy imposed on Ontario non-VQA wine sales
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the review of A Place to Grow (APTG) and Provincial Policy Statement (PPS)
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes to the Planning Act and Development Charges Act, 1997
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation regarding a draft transportation plan for Eastern Ontario
OFA submission to the Honourable Lisa Thompson regarding the Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) Guidance Document
Letter to the Minister of Finance regarding the Ontario Federation of Agriculture 2022 Budget Submission
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks regarding producer responsibility regulations
OFA letter of support to the Ontario AgriFood Innovation Alliance Research Program regarding proposed awareness campaign
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the projection methodology guideline
OFA submission to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines regarding Ontario’s Broadband and Cellular Action Plan
OFA letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding AgriStability and strategic initiatives
OFA letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding a consultation on growing the size of the Greenbelt
OFA letter regarding Bill 257 – Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021
OFA Letter regarding proposed regulation for Hazardous and Special Products
OFA Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau regarding Enbridge Line 5 Pipeline through Michigan into Ontario
OFA letter regarding Ontario agriculture’s contribution to provincial recovery from COVID-19
Letter of support for Ontario’s Freshwater Fish Farming Industry in Canadian Agricultural Partnership
OFA submission regarding a Draft Transportation Plan for Northern Ontario
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2021 pre-budget consultations
OFA letter of support to the University of Guelph regarding proposed research project
OFA letter to federal Environment and Climate Change Minister regarding Canada’s draft Clean Fuel Standard regulations
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s fall 2020 pre-budget consultation
OFA submission regarding the proposed regulation under the Ontario Heritage Act
OFA congratulatory letter to MP Lianne Rood regarding new role as Shadow Minister, Agriculture and Agri-Food for the Official Opposition
OFA congratulatory letter to MP Eric Melillo regarding new role as Shadow Minister, Northern Affairs & Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario
OFA congratulatory letter to MP John Nater regarding new role as Shadow Minister, Rural Economic Development
OFA submission regarding proposed Growth Plan amendments
OFA letter regarding property taxation of on-farm value-added activities
OFA letter to Chairs of the Eastern and Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucuses
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments agricultural land use amendment for Hearst and Kapuskasing
OFA submission regarding the draft Southwest Ontario Transportation Plan
OFA submission regarding proposed regulatory changes affecting on-farm regulated mixed anaerobic digestion facilities
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Ontario Immigrant Nomination Program
OFA letter to Finance Minister Phillips outlining OFA’s 2020 Ontario Pre-Budget recommendations
OFA letter of support for a proposed comprehensive business plan to advance agriculture in north-eastern Ontario’s Great Clay Belt
OFA letter to MPP Michael Gravelle
OFA letter to MPP Mike Schreiner
OFA letter to Mr. Sangha Sukhman
OFA letter to MPP Amanda Simard
OFA letter to Hon. Sylvia Jones
OFA letter to MPP Toby Barrett
OFA letter to MPP Jim McDonell
OFA letter to Hon. Caroline Mulroney
OFA letter to MPP Rudy Cuzzetto
OFA letter to MPP Mike Harris
OFA letter to Mr. Jim Wielgosz
OFA letter to Hon. Ernie Hardeman
OFA letter to Hon. Steve Clark
OFA letter to MPP John Vanthof
OFA letter to Mr. Patrick Sackville
OFA submission regarding the Provincial Policy Statement review
OFA letter to Minister Fedeli
OFA letter to Minister Phillips
OFA letter to Minister Scott
OFA letter to Minister Hardeman regarding FPT issues for discussion
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to Regulation 422/17 under Ontario Immigration Act
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Planning Act
OFA letter regarding the Niagara Escarpment Plan Agricultural Policies
OFA letter to Premier Ford regarding OMAFRA Advisors
OFA letter regarding Increasing Housing Supply in Ontario
OFA submission regarding proposed open-for-business planning tool
OFA submission regarding new regulation under the Planning Act for open-for-business planning tool
OFA letter regarding Schedule 10, Bill 66, the Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018
OFA letter to CRTC regarding high-speed broadband internet access
OFA’s 2019 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
OFA letter to Minister Wilson regarding Regional and Rural Funding Programs
OFA’s 2019 Federal Pre-Budget Submission
OFA letter outlining federal pre-budget items to the Ontario Chamber of Commerce for their submission
OFA submission regarding the draft guidance to support implementation of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
OFA submission regarding the proposed Land Needs Assessment Methodology for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan
OFA’s 2018 Pre-Budget Consultation Presentation
OFA letter regarding Canadian Free Trade Agreement’s Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table
OFA submission regarding proposed regulation for Municipal Small Business Programs
OFA comments on Strategy Framework for Northern Ontario Agriculture, Aquaculture and Food Processing Sector Strategy
OFA submission to OMAFRA’s Farms Forever Consultation
OFA comments on Recruiting Ontario’s First Chief Science Officer
OFA submission on Renewable Fuel Standards for Gasoline
OFA’s 2017 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
OFA submission regarding Horse Racing Licence Act
OFA letter regarding the next APF Phase 1 Consultations
OFA submission regarding Northern Ag Strategy
OFA letter regarding the Rural Economic Development Program
OFA submission on proposed amendment to Rural or Remote Electricity Rate Protection
OFA’s 2016 Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
EBR submission regarding Bill 73 – Development Charges
Pre-budget Brief Letter to Minister of Finance
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Letter to the Ministry of the Attorney General regarding VQA Wine Sales at Ontario Farmers’ Markets
Private Gaswell Fees
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance
OFA submission to the Ministry of Transportation on the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Planning Study
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed changes to the Development Charges Act.
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed changes to the Planning Act and Municipal Act, 2001 through the proposed Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024.
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed policies for a new provincial planning policy instrument
OFA submission to the Ontario Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding consideration of Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024
OFA Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) regarding the proposed legislative amendments to support municipal incentives for economic growth
OFA Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding the Rural Economic Development Strategy consultation
OFA submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding Ontario’s 2024 Budget
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to the Minister of the Municipal Affairs on Housing regarding the proposal to return lands to the Greenbelt
OFA submission to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Proposal to Return Lands to the Greenbelt
OFA submission regarding the Broadband Fund Policy Review
OFA submission to the Ontario Treasury Board Secretariat regarding the proposed approach for regulations under the Building Ontario Business Initiative Act
OFA submission regarding the proposal to modernize the Veterinarians Act
OFA submission regarding the draft Grocery Industry Code of Conduct
OFA submission regarding the future of competition policy in Canada
OFA submission to the Niagara Escarpment Commission
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA letter to the Finance Minister regarding the LCBO mark-up and wine levy imposed on Ontario non-VQA wine sales
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the review of A Place to Grow (APTG) and Provincial Policy Statement (PPS)
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes to the Planning Act and Development Charges Act, 1997
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation regarding a draft transportation plan for Eastern Ontario
OFA submission to the Honourable Lisa Thompson regarding the Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) Guidance Document
Letter to the Minister of Finance regarding the Ontario Federation of Agriculture 2022 Budget Submission
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks regarding producer responsibility regulations
OFA letter of support to the Ontario AgriFood Innovation Alliance Research Program regarding proposed awareness campaign
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the projection methodology guideline
OFA submission to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines regarding Ontario’s Broadband and Cellular Action Plan
OFA letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding AgriStability and strategic initiatives
OFA letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding a consultation on growing the size of the Greenbelt
OFA letter regarding Bill 257 – Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021
OFA Letter regarding proposed regulation for Hazardous and Special Products
OFA Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau regarding Enbridge Line 5 Pipeline through Michigan into Ontario
OFA letter regarding Ontario agriculture’s contribution to provincial recovery from COVID-19
Letter of support for Ontario’s Freshwater Fish Farming Industry in Canadian Agricultural Partnership
OFA submission regarding a Draft Transportation Plan for Northern Ontario
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2021 pre-budget consultations
OFA letter of support to the University of Guelph regarding proposed research project
OFA letter to federal Environment and Climate Change Minister regarding Canada’s draft Clean Fuel Standard regulations
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s fall 2020 pre-budget consultation
OFA submission regarding the proposed regulation under the Ontario Heritage Act
OFA congratulatory letter to MP Lianne Rood regarding new role as Shadow Minister, Agriculture and Agri-Food for the Official Opposition
OFA congratulatory letter to MP Eric Melillo regarding new role as Shadow Minister, Northern Affairs & Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario
OFA congratulatory letter to MP John Nater regarding new role as Shadow Minister, Rural Economic Development
OFA submission regarding proposed Growth Plan amendments
OFA letter regarding property taxation of on-farm value-added activities
OFA letter to Chairs of the Eastern and Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucuses
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments agricultural land use amendment for Hearst and Kapuskasing
OFA submission regarding the draft Southwest Ontario Transportation Plan
OFA submission regarding proposed regulatory changes affecting on-farm regulated mixed anaerobic digestion facilities
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Ontario Immigrant Nomination Program
OFA letter to Finance Minister Phillips outlining OFA’s 2020 Ontario Pre-Budget recommendations
OFA letter of support for a proposed comprehensive business plan to advance agriculture in north-eastern Ontario’s Great Clay Belt
OFA letter to MPP Michael Gravelle
OFA letter to MPP Mike Schreiner
OFA letter to Mr. Sangha Sukhman
OFA letter to MPP Amanda Simard
OFA letter to Hon. Sylvia Jones
OFA letter to MPP Toby Barrett
OFA letter to MPP Jim McDonell
OFA letter to Hon. Caroline Mulroney
OFA letter to MPP Rudy Cuzzetto
OFA letter to MPP Mike Harris
OFA letter to Mr. Jim Wielgosz
OFA letter to Hon. Ernie Hardeman
OFA letter to Hon. Steve Clark
OFA letter to MPP John Vanthof
OFA letter to Mr. Patrick Sackville
OFA submission regarding the Provincial Policy Statement review
OFA letter to Minister Fedeli
OFA letter to Minister Phillips
OFA letter to Minister Scott
OFA letter to Minister Hardeman regarding FPT issues for discussion
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to Regulation 422/17 under Ontario Immigration Act
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Planning Act
OFA letter regarding the Niagara Escarpment Plan Agricultural Policies
OFA letter to Premier Ford regarding OMAFRA Advisors
OFA letter regarding Increasing Housing Supply in Ontario
OFA submission regarding proposed open-for-business planning tool
OFA submission regarding new regulation under the Planning Act for open-for-business planning tool
OFA letter regarding Schedule 10, Bill 66, the Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018
OFA letter to CRTC regarding high-speed broadband internet access
OFA’s 2019 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
OFA letter to Minister Wilson regarding Regional and Rural Funding Programs
OFA’s 2019 Federal Pre-Budget Submission
OFA letter outlining federal pre-budget items to the Ontario Chamber of Commerce for their submission
OFA submission regarding the draft guidance to support implementation of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
OFA submission regarding the proposed Land Needs Assessment Methodology for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan
OFA’s 2018 Pre-Budget Consultation Presentation
OFA letter regarding Canadian Free Trade Agreement’s Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table
OFA submission regarding proposed regulation for Municipal Small Business Programs
OFA comments on Strategy Framework for Northern Ontario Agriculture, Aquaculture and Food Processing Sector Strategy
OFA submission to OMAFRA’s Farms Forever Consultation
OFA comments on Recruiting Ontario’s First Chief Science Officer
OFA submission on Renewable Fuel Standards for Gasoline
OFA’s 2017 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
OFA submission regarding Horse Racing Licence Act
OFA letter regarding the next APF Phase 1 Consultations
OFA submission regarding Northern Ag Strategy
OFA letter regarding the Rural Economic Development Program
OFA submission on proposed amendment to Rural or Remote Electricity Rate Protection
OFA’s 2016 Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
EBR submission regarding Bill 73 – Development Charges
Pre-budget Brief Letter to Minister of Finance
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Letter to the Ministry of the Attorney General regarding VQA Wine Sales at Ontario Farmers’ Markets
Private Gaswell Fees
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance
How you can support Ontario by buying local
Buy Ontario for a HomeGrown Valentine’s Day
Election priorities for farmers focus on protecting ability to grow food
Ontario farmers appreciate risk management program funding increase
Ontario farmers meet with rural municipal leaders
Farmers prepare for possible tariffs on agri-food exports to U.S.
Ontario Federation of Agriculture welcomes funding for Cultivating Local project
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Farmers getting ready to gather in Toronto for annual convention
Farm business not immune to cyber security threats
Thankful for Ontario’s Harvest
Support local this fall to help Ontario farms grow
New partnership promotes farmers, farmers’ markets
Building stronger ties between municipalities and farmers
Scholarships, bursaries available for careers in agriculture
A strong rural economy benefits all Ontarians
Ontario farm leaders meet with provincial politicians
Farmers pausing growth, but confident in future outlooks, survey says
New mentorship opportunities for Canadian women in agriculture
Farmers advocate for rural community investments
Farmers, consumers share common interest, says new farm leader
Reflecting on a year and on a presidency
Farm and rural prosperity will boost provincial economy
OFA, industry stakeholders connect with municipalities over common interests
Buying local food supports Ontario’s farms and food businesses
Enjoy the bounty of Ontario’s freshness during Local Food Week
Farmers welcome government decision on farmland severances
Farmers invest back into their communities by supporting local projects
Kick start local food season with the Easter feast
Reports show agritourism activities ripe for growth in Ontario
Building bridges with rural leaders
Keep those New Year’s resolutions with Ontario meat and produce
OFA encourages online renewal of Farm Business Registration
Farmland preservation, strong rural communities top OFA priority list for 2023
Locally source this year’s holiday feast From Ontario farms
More than 50,000 Ontarians sign on to Home Grown to show support for farmland preservation
OFA pleased with strong support for broader fuel tax exemption for farmers
Farmland produces food. Let’s work together to keep it that way
OFA’s Policy Advisory Council offers a chance to shape the future of Ontario agriculture
Municipal elections are critical for farmland preservation
OFA board tour showcases diversity of agriculture in Niagara
Northern Ontario farmers welcome Canada’s agriculture minister
OFA sees opportunity to build stronger agriculture and rural communities with re-elected Ford Government
Campaign platforms show that advocacy matters
Supporting the agri-food sector means economic growth and prosperity for Ontario
OFA highlights collaborative projects and initiatives at second annual Research Day
OFA celebrates farming and food on Canada’s Agriculture Day
OFA pleased to see ag priorities addressed in fall economic statement
OFA striving to secure long-term labour strategy for agriculture
4-H Ontario auctions new Honda ATV, donated by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture
OFA and local federations speak up for agriculture with federal candidates
OFA outlines key priorities for agriculture in federal election
Exiting provincial directors reflect on their time representing Ontario’s farm families
OFA anticipates return to farm shows and fairs
OFA targets leadership recruitment as a pillar for building strong organizations and communities
OFA invests in new program to support farming and rural communities across Ontario
OFA urges snowmobile riders to respect farmland and Ontario’s trail system
OFA Today – 2021 Edition
OFA welcomes long-awaited infrastructure and program investments for rural Ontario
OFA survey shows farmers adapting and making strides on the road to recovery
OFA recognizes vital contributions along the value chain during Small Business Month
Harvest season – a time to reflect, celebrate and promote Ontario’s agri-food sector
Medical professional tours highlight significance of rural and farm-specific training
Always in Season project highlights opportunities to support agriculture and local food
Province makes buying local easier with Ontario Made logo launch
Local federations give back to communities across Ontario
Agricultural representation key to regional economic recovery task forces
Celebrating Ontario’s bounty of fresh, affordable local food
OFA will receive Canadian Agricultural Partnership funding to address agri-food labour supply and training challenges
Ontario farm businesses working to adapt to a new reality
The time is now to support Ontario’s agri-food system with workable solutions
OFA members share how their operations are faring during COVID-19
OFA takes the pulse of Ontario ag as COVID-19 continues
OFA highlights current state of Ontario’s agri-food system
Rural infrastructure investments will pave the way for prosperity
OFA agri-food priorities for a new decade
A look back at Ontario agriculture in 2019
OFA takes agri-food priorities to Queen’s Park
OFA delivers state of Ontario’s agri-food sector at Queen’s Park
Smart expansion the key to providing natural gas across Ontario
New minority government offers opportunity for collaboration
Kudos to Chamber of Commerce on new regional economies report
Report shows agri-food economic contributions add up
Rural Ontario welcomes promise of better broadband connection
Local federation meetings – getting ready for the AGM
Bringing Ontario issues to national ag ministers’ meeting
Cabinet change means more ag opportunity
Talk up local ag during MPP summer break
Building a stronger partnership for Ontario agriculture
Provincial budget delivers mixed bag for Ontario agriculture
Happiness and the rural solution
OFA advocates for red tape reduction
Government reversal protects Ontario farmland
OFA’s advice to government: invest in rural Ontario
Bringing ag and rural issues to next federal budget
OFA: Starting the new year with renewed priorities
Buy Ontario for a HomeGrown Valentine’s Day
Election priorities for farmers focus on protecting ability to grow food
Ontario farmers appreciate risk management program funding increase
Ontario farmers meet with rural municipal leaders
Farmers prepare for possible tariffs on agri-food exports to U.S.
Ontario Federation of Agriculture welcomes funding for Cultivating Local project
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Farmers getting ready to gather in Toronto for annual convention
Farm business not immune to cyber security threats
Thankful for Ontario’s Harvest
Support local this fall to help Ontario farms grow
New partnership promotes farmers, farmers’ markets
Building stronger ties between municipalities and farmers
Scholarships, bursaries available for careers in agriculture
A strong rural economy benefits all Ontarians
Ontario farm leaders meet with provincial politicians
Farmers pausing growth, but confident in future outlooks, survey says
New mentorship opportunities for Canadian women in agriculture
Farmers advocate for rural community investments
Farmers, consumers share common interest, says new farm leader
Reflecting on a year and on a presidency
Farm and rural prosperity will boost provincial economy
OFA, industry stakeholders connect with municipalities over common interests
Buying local food supports Ontario’s farms and food businesses
Enjoy the bounty of Ontario’s freshness during Local Food Week
Farmers welcome government decision on farmland severances
Farmers invest back into their communities by supporting local projects
Kick start local food season with the Easter feast
Reports show agritourism activities ripe for growth in Ontario
Building bridges with rural leaders
Keep those New Year’s resolutions with Ontario meat and produce
OFA encourages online renewal of Farm Business Registration
Farmland preservation, strong rural communities top OFA priority list for 2023
Locally source this year’s holiday feast From Ontario farms
More than 50,000 Ontarians sign on to Home Grown to show support for farmland preservation
OFA pleased with strong support for broader fuel tax exemption for farmers
Farmland produces food. Let’s work together to keep it that way
OFA’s Policy Advisory Council offers a chance to shape the future of Ontario agriculture
Municipal elections are critical for farmland preservation
OFA board tour showcases diversity of agriculture in Niagara
Northern Ontario farmers welcome Canada’s agriculture minister
OFA sees opportunity to build stronger agriculture and rural communities with re-elected Ford Government
Campaign platforms show that advocacy matters
Supporting the agri-food sector means economic growth and prosperity for Ontario
OFA highlights collaborative projects and initiatives at second annual Research Day
OFA celebrates farming and food on Canada’s Agriculture Day
OFA pleased to see ag priorities addressed in fall economic statement
OFA striving to secure long-term labour strategy for agriculture
4-H Ontario auctions new Honda ATV, donated by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture
OFA and local federations speak up for agriculture with federal candidates
OFA outlines key priorities for agriculture in federal election
Exiting provincial directors reflect on their time representing Ontario’s farm families
OFA anticipates return to farm shows and fairs
OFA targets leadership recruitment as a pillar for building strong organizations and communities
OFA invests in new program to support farming and rural communities across Ontario
OFA urges snowmobile riders to respect farmland and Ontario’s trail system
OFA Today – 2021 Edition
OFA welcomes long-awaited infrastructure and program investments for rural Ontario
OFA survey shows farmers adapting and making strides on the road to recovery
OFA recognizes vital contributions along the value chain during Small Business Month
Harvest season – a time to reflect, celebrate and promote Ontario’s agri-food sector
Medical professional tours highlight significance of rural and farm-specific training
Always in Season project highlights opportunities to support agriculture and local food
Province makes buying local easier with Ontario Made logo launch
Local federations give back to communities across Ontario
Agricultural representation key to regional economic recovery task forces
Celebrating Ontario’s bounty of fresh, affordable local food
OFA will receive Canadian Agricultural Partnership funding to address agri-food labour supply and training challenges
Ontario farm businesses working to adapt to a new reality
The time is now to support Ontario’s agri-food system with workable solutions
OFA members share how their operations are faring during COVID-19
OFA takes the pulse of Ontario ag as COVID-19 continues
OFA highlights current state of Ontario’s agri-food system
Rural infrastructure investments will pave the way for prosperity
OFA agri-food priorities for a new decade
A look back at Ontario agriculture in 2019
OFA takes agri-food priorities to Queen’s Park
OFA delivers state of Ontario’s agri-food sector at Queen’s Park
Smart expansion the key to providing natural gas across Ontario
New minority government offers opportunity for collaboration
Kudos to Chamber of Commerce on new regional economies report
Report shows agri-food economic contributions add up
Rural Ontario welcomes promise of better broadband connection
Local federation meetings – getting ready for the AGM
Bringing Ontario issues to national ag ministers’ meeting
Cabinet change means more ag opportunity
Talk up local ag during MPP summer break
Building a stronger partnership for Ontario agriculture
Provincial budget delivers mixed bag for Ontario agriculture
Happiness and the rural solution
OFA advocates for red tape reduction
Government reversal protects Ontario farmland
OFA’s advice to government: invest in rural Ontario
Bringing ag and rural issues to next federal budget
OFA: Starting the new year with renewed priorities
Supporting Agriculture in your Community
Best practices to cultivate connections with municipalities
Agriculture Matters – a Guide for Municipal Councillors and Staff
The Great Mosaic: Reviving Ontario’s Regional Economies
Producing Prosperity – an election priority
ROI: Rural Ontario Foresight Papers 2017
Agricultural System in the Greater Golden Horseshoe – FAQ
Economic Contribution of the Ontario Farm Sector 2013
Best practices to cultivate connections with municipalities
Agriculture Matters – a Guide for Municipal Councillors and Staff
The Great Mosaic: Reviving Ontario’s Regional Economies
Producing Prosperity – an election priority
ROI: Rural Ontario Foresight Papers 2017
Agricultural System in the Greater Golden Horseshoe – FAQ
Economic Contribution of the Ontario Farm Sector 2013
OFA’s 2016 Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance
Presentation to Ontario Standing Committee on Finance
OFA submission to the Task Force on Rural Economic Renewal
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance
Presentation to Ontario Standing Committee on Finance
OFA submission to the Task Force on Rural Economic Renewal