OFA is supportive of proposed actions contained in the Ontario government’s document Connecting the Southwest: A Draft Transportation Plan for Southwestern Ontario designed to get people moving and better connect communities throughout the region. OFA recommended that the interests of the agricultural community be represented on the government’s proposed Task Force on transportation integration. OFA noted that the Ministry of Transportation, in partnership with municipal road authorities needs to ensure that upgrades and/or repairs to road infrastructure (i.e. roads & bridges) are done in a manner that allows for the free movement of large farm vehicles along these roads and across these bridges. Farmers need a road network that facilitates that unrestricted movement of inputs onto farms (i.e. seed, feed, fuel, fertilizer, etc.) as well as the off-farm movement of farm products destined for food processing facilities, food markets, food retail outlets, etc. OFA also made recommendations with respect to: traffic circles/roundabouts on roads frequented by farm vehicles; ensuring ferry service to Pelee Island accommodates the needs of farming operations; retaining the Glanworth Drive overpass over Highway 401; and farm business impacts of widening of Highway 3 between Essex and Leamington. OFA reiterated its recommendation that an Agricultural Impact Assessment be required for all Environmental Assessments when the project has the potential to impact agriculture. OFA also supports the action item to review the rules regarding reduced load periods (aka ½ load seasons) for the agricultural, agri-business and trucking industries.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission regarding the draft Southwest Ontario Transportation Plan
Updated: March 19, 2020