OFA provides comments to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation regarding the draft transportation plan for Eastern Ontario. OFA is pleased to provide an agricultural perspective regarding the draft Transportation Plan for Eastern Ontario. Unique features of Eastern Ontario present challenges and opportunities for the agricultural sector and the larger Ontario economy. Primary to ensuring sustainable farming in Ontario is keeping arable land in production, and ensuring our farmers are able to operate in safe and healthy environments. OFA supports Ministry efforts to adopt mitigation measures when upgrading major rail corridor crossings, so that farm equipment access to fields and farm operations is not impeded. The OFA requests that the Ministry work with Canadian railway companies and Transport Canada to draw attention to the differences between farm and private crossings and the need to validate and verify the crossing to establish their status. OFA also supports the Ministry recognizing the importance of conducting Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessments (EA) for planned Highway 401 and Highway 416 improvements, and updating the EA for other works such as the Highway 15 intersection in Crosby. OFA recommends leveraging tourism partnerships to help raise driver awareness of what to expect when they come upon farm machinery and increase road safety. We look forward to working with colleagues from the Ministries of Transportation and OMAFRA to help raise awareness and reduce these dangerous collisions.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation regarding a draft transportation plan for Eastern Ontario
Updated: August 30, 2022