OFA provides comments to the Honourable Lisa Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, regarding the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) Guidance Document. Ontario’s Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horsesehoe was developed as a means to plan for and support the growth and development in this area, in a manner that supports economic prosperity, protects the environment, and helps communities achieve a high quality of life. Achieving these results do not just happen; they require tools for assessing, evaluating and guiding decision making to balance the many important priorities. One of these critical tools is the use of AIA’s. It is imperative that the Agricultural Impact Assessment Guidance Document be finalized and released for widespread use by all municipalities, qualified assessment professionals, aggregate producers, development proponents, landowners and other stakeholders, so they are able to meet their regulatory requirements for undertaking an AIA. OFA requests that OMAFRA prioritize the release of the final AIA Guidance Document.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to the Honourable Lisa Thompson regarding the Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) Guidance Document
Updated: July 11, 2022