OFA’s submission outlined key recommendations on the proposed revised land use planning policies within the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). Land use planning policies have been, and continue to be, a core issue for OFA and Ontario farmers. OFA firmly believes that the preservation of our productive agricultural lands for their ability to produce food, fibre and fuel is in Ontario’s long-term environmental and economic interest. OFA’s submission addressed issues such as fixed urban boundaries, higher urban density requirements, opposition to any reintroduction of farm retirement lots, retaining reference to compliance with the minimum distance separation (MDS) formulae; recognition of Agricultural Impact Assessment guidelines, requiring urban stormwater management ponds, notification of natural heritage features and areas, and application of the agricultural system and the agri-food network approach. OFA also recommended that the PPS definition of “prime agricultural land” be rewritten to include specialty crop areas and/or Canada Land Inventory Classes 1 – 4 lands or in Northern Ontario, the highest two soils classes in the district or region, and that updates of Ontario’s soils maps must continue to completion. In addition, OFA called on the province to mandate and financially assist municipalities with updating their Zoning By-laws.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission regarding the Provincial Policy Statement review
Updated: October 21, 2019