OFA supports the preservation of farmland and water resources through advocating for provincial land use policy. OFA and its affiliated county federations of agriculture have long established interests in land use planning and advocating for the protection of agriculture as the highest and best use of our province’s arable land. Land capable of supporting agricultural activity ensures a safe, sustainable supply of food, fuel and fibre for Ontario.
OFA signed a pair of pledges with the Food and Water First initiative and the Ontario Farmland Trust (OFT) in an effort to further support the commitment to protect and preserve Ontario’s productive farmland and water resources. OFA understands the importance of productive land and clean water to a farmer’s livelihood which is why the organization continues to make every effort to preserve the land and water that will sustain us now and for future generations.
Ontario farmers are proud to cultivate some of the most fertile and productive soils in the world and OFA fervently believes that all Ontarians benefit from the economic and environmental benefits productive land and water bring to our province.
OFA has a proud history of working with like-minded organizations on research, education and policy development to further strengthen and protect Ontario farmland. Without the preservation of farmland and water resources, there won’t be a future for food, fibre or fuel production in Ontario.
OFA Position
OFA believes that the highest and best use of our arable land is for agriculture. Land capable of supporting agricultural activity is a strategic non-renewable resource worthy of preserving as it ensures a safe, sustainable supply of food, fibre and fuel for Ontario, Canada and the world.
OFA Submission regarding the Proposed amendment to Ontario Regulation 299-19 Additional Residential Units, under the Planning Act
OFA Submission regarding the Consideration of transition of land use planning matters to facilitate the introduction of a new policy statement issued under the Planning Act
OFA letter to the Attorney General of Ontario Doug Downey regarding the Ontario Expropriations Act
OFA submission regarding the Get It Done Act, 2024 – Amending the Official Plan Adjustments Act, 2023
OFA comments regarding a new regulation to focus municipal environmental assessment requirements
OFA submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry regarding new Minister’s permit and review powers under the Conservation Authorities Act
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed public notice requirements changes under the Planning Act and the Development Charges Act.
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed changes to the Development Charges Act.
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed changes to the Planning Act and Municipal Act, 2001 through the proposed Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024.
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding proposed legislative amendments to the Line Fences Act.
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed policies for a new provincial planning policy instrument
OFA submission to the Ontario Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding consideration of Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024
OFA submission regarding Canada’s 2030 National Biodiversity Strategy
OFA submission to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) regarding the proposed long-term procurement plan to acquire energy and capacity to meet electricity needs
OFA submission to the Ministry of Energy regarding the Pathways to Decarbonization Study
OFA submission regarding the evaluation of municipal class environmental assessment requirements for infrastructure projects
OFA submission regarding proposal to move to a project list approach under the Environmental Assessment Act
OFA submission to the Ontario Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy regarding Bill 69, Reducing Inefficiencies Act (Infrastructure Statute Law Amendments), 2023
OFA submission regarding the renewal of Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy
OFA provides comments to the Ministry of Energy regarding future electricity energy efficiency programming
OFA submission regarding proposed regulatory amendments to encourage greater reuse of excess soil
OFA submission regarding the creation of a recreational class provincial park in the Township of Uxbridge
OFA provides comments to the Ministry of Energy regarding proposed amendments related to the treatment of corporate power purchase agreements
OFA submission to the Minister of the Municipal Affairs on Housing regarding the proposal to return lands to the Greenbelt
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding the proposal to streamline environmental permissions for stormwater management under the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding the Proposal to explore changes to streamline the permit-by-rule framework
OFA submission to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Proposal to Return Lands to the Greenbelt
Waiving or altering the 30-day Waiting Period for Class-Environmental Assessment Projects
OFA submission on the amendments to the Ontario Energy Board Act
OFA submission on proposed changes to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act
OFA submission to Minister Clark regarding the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s proposed policies for an integrated province-wide land use Provincial Planning Statement
OFA submission to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) regarding Climate Change resiliency
OFA submission to the Standing Committee regarding proposed Planning Act changes as specified in schedule 6 of Bill 97
OFA submission regarding proposed Planning Act changes as specified in schedule 6 of Bill 97
OFA submission to the Niagara Escarpment Commission
OFA letter to the Honourable Lisa Thompson regarding existing environmental goods and services farmers provide
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the review of A Place to Grow (APTG) and Provincial Policy Statement (PPS)
OFA submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry regarding proposed regulatory updates to streamline approvals under the Conservation Authorities Act
OFA submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry regarding ecological offsetting
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units
OFA submission to the Minister of the Municipal Affairs on Housing regarding the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) regarding proposed amendments to certain requirements under the Excess Soil Regulation
Letter to MPP John Vanthof regarding protection of agricultural land and expanding ag impact assessments
Submission to Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy regarding consideration of Bill 39, Better Municipal Governance Act, 2022
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes to the Planning Act and Development Charges Act, 1997
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry regarding proposed legislative and regulatory changes to the Conservation Authority Act
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Municipal Affairs on Housing regarding the Changes to the Planning Act, as proposed under Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General regarding proposed amendments to the Ontario Land Tribunal Act
OFA submission to Ontario’s Standing Committee regarding Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding community infrastructure and housing accelerator
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding housing needs in rural and northern municipalities
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed Planning Act changes
OFA submission to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding amendments to the Greenbelt Area and urban river valleys
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed Development Charges Act changes
Letter to the Minister of Finance regarding the Ontario Federation of Agriculture 2022 Budget Submission
OFA submission to the Environmental Assessment Modernization Branch regarding the Environmental Assessment Act
OFA submission to the Standing Committee on General Government and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Supporting People and Business Act and Regulatory Registry
OFA submission to the Ministry of Transportation regarding the Greater Golden Horseshoe Transportation Plan
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed amendments to regulations under the Planning Act
OFA letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding land division provisions in the Planning Act
OFA submission to the Conservation and Source Protection Branch regarding the Conservation Authorities Act
OFA letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding changes to the Planning Act
OFA letter to the Standing Committee regarding the Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act
OFA letter to the Ministry of Transportation regarding updated Statement of Environmental Values
OFA letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding a consultation on growing the size of the Greenbelt
OFA submission regarding proposed changes to Minister’s Zoning Orders and the Planning Act
OFA submission regarding provisions in the Planning Act to address zoning order matters
Letter regarding proposed amendments to the Planning Act
OFA submission regarding Statement of Environmental Values (SEV) for the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
OFA letter of support to the University of Guelph regarding proposed research project
OFA submission regarding proposed project list for comprehensive environmental assessments under the Environmental Assessment Act
OFA submission regarding proposal to amend the Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement
OFA submission regarding the proposed regulation under the Ontario Heritage Act
OFA submission regarding the proposed updated Statement of Environmental Values for the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
OFA letter to Minister Clark regarding use of Minister’s Zoning Orders
OFA submission regarding proposed Environmental Assessment exemptions for GTA West Transportation Corridor project
OFA submission regarding proposed Environmental Assessment exemptions for various general projects
OFA submission regarding proposed Growth Plan amendments
OFA submission regarding the proposed new Statement of Environmental Values for the Ministry of Infrastructure
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments agricultural land use amendment for Hearst and Kapuskasing
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 244/97 and the Aggregate Resources of Ontario Provincial Standards
OFA submission regarding proposed earlier access to land to conduct preliminary environmental studies for electricity transmission projects
OFA submission regarding a future electricity transmission corridor to support Halton, Peel and York region
OFA submission regarding proposed changes to Development Charges and Community Benefits Charges
OFA submission regarding the proposed Statement of Environmental Values for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
OFA submission regarding proposed Aggregate Resources Act amendments
OFA submission regarding the Provincial Policy Statement review
OFA submission regarding Development Charges
OFA submission regarding amendments to the Development Charges Act
OFA submission regarding the On-Site and Excess Soil Management Regulation
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Planning Act
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s environmental assessment program
OFA submission regarding conservation authority development permits
OFA letter regarding the Reducing Litter and Waste Discussion Paper
OFA letter regarding the Niagara Escarpment Plan Agricultural Policies
OFA submission regarding Growth Plan amendments
OFA letter regarding Increasing Housing Supply in Ontario
OFA comments on Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan
OFA submission regarding proposed open-for-business planning tool
OFA submission regarding new regulation under the Planning Act for open-for-business planning tool
OFA response to Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018
OFA letter regarding Schedule 10, Bill 66, the Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018
OFA letter to Minister Clark regarding Growth Planning in the Greater Golden Horseshoe
OFA letter to Minister Hardeman regarding Agricultural Impact Assessments
OFA letter to Minister Phillips regarding Excess Soil Management
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s Agricultural Impact Assessment Guidance Document
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s Excess Soil Management regulatory proposal
OFA submission regarding the draft guidance to support implementation of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
OFA letter to Ontario Premier Wynne requesting high-speed rail project cost-benefit analysis and assessment of the high-performance rail alternative
OFA comments on Ontario’s draft watershed planning guidance document
OFA submission regarding the proposed Land Needs Assessment Methodology for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s proposed expansion of the Greenbelt to protect water
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s CycleON; Action Plan 2.0
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan
OFA submission regarding renewable energy generation facility siting
OFA submission regarding Ministry of Transportation’s Greater Golden Horseshoe Transportation Plan
OFA letter to Minister Del Duca requesting representation on the High-Speed Rail Planning Advisory Board
OFA submission to Standing Committee on Social Policy on Bill 139
OFA submission regarding draft Agricultural System Mapping and Implementation Procedures
OFA comments on proposed regional Natural Heritage System for the Growth Plan for Greater Golden Horseshoe
OFA submission on Planning Act amendments and proposed Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
OFA submission to OMAFRA’s Farms Forever Consultation
OFA submission on proposed Conservation Authorities Act amendments
OFA submission on Excess Soil Management regulatory proposal
OFA comments on the proposed integrated province-wide cycling network
OFA letter regarding proposed changes of fees and royalties under the Aggregate Resources Act
OFA comments on MNRF’s Natural Resource Climate Adaptation Strategy
OFA comments regarding Opportunities to Enhance Carbon Storage in Crown Forests
OFA submission on role of the Ontario Municipal Board in Ontario’s land use planning system
OFA submission regarding Bill 39 – Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2016
OFA comments on proposed Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario
OFA comments on proposed GTA West Corridor project
OFA submission regarding Coordinated Land Use Plan Review (Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt, Oak Ridges Moraine)
OFA submission regarding Niagara Escarpment Plan
OFA submission regarding Northern Ag Strategy
OFA comments on proposed regulations concerning Bill 73 changes to the Planning Act
OFA submission on Excess Soil Management
OFA’s 2016 Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
OFA submission regarding Aggregate Resources Act
OFA comments on Development Charges
OFA submission on Wetland Conservation in Ontario
OFA submission on the Conservation Authorities Act Review
EBR submission regarding Bill 73 – Planning Act
OFA submission on the Coordinated 4-Plan Review
Letter regarding Minimum Distance Separation (MDS)
OFA response to OMAFRA Guidelines of Permitted Uses
Pre-budget Brief Letter to Minister of Finance
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance
OFA letter regarding Provincial Policy Statement Review
Standing Committee on General Government – Aggregate Resources Act
Land Easements and Acquisitions Under Infrastructure Projects
OFA Consolidated Agricultural Land Use Policy
Farmers in urgent need of action: “Unacceptable” for railways to download costs onto farmers, rural landowners
Balancing our energy and food security needs
Building stronger ties between municipalities and farmers
Resolutions help drive farm organization advocacy
Farmers encouraged to take active leadership roles in their industry
We must protect farmland for the sake of future generations
Introducing the next generation of farm leaders to advocacy
Farmers disappointed at lack of consultation, transparency on assembly of prime farmland in Wilmot Township
Waterloo and Ontario Federations of Agriculture call for pause on assembly of prime farmland in Wilmot Township by Region of Waterloo
Canadian farm leaders meet to debate issues, set policy
Farmers advocate for rural community investments
Farms needed to keep rural Ontario’s social fabric alive
Collaboration can drive positive change for the farming sector
Farmers, consumers share common interest, says new farm leader
New OFA president outlines organizational priorities
Reflecting on a year and on a presidency
Farm leaders reflect on service to provincial organization
Ontario’s farmers get set to gather for annual convention
OFA appreciates Premier’s action on farmland preservation
OFA, industry stakeholders connect with municipalities over common interests
Buying local food supports Ontario’s farms and food businesses
Enjoy the bounty of Ontario’s freshness during Local Food Week
Joint Statement from Ontario’s Farm Leaders
Farmers welcome government decision on farmland severances
Farmers invest back into their communities by supporting local projects
OFA calls for government investments in food, farming and rural communities
Building bridges with rural leaders
OFA encourages online renewal of Farm Business Registration
Farmland preservation, strong rural communities top OFA priority list for 2023
More than 50,000 Ontarians sign on to Home Grown to show support for farmland preservation
Farmland produces food. Let’s work together to keep it that way
Municipal elections are critical for farmland preservation
OFA board tour showcases diversity of agriculture in Niagara
Celebrate local farms, food and community at Ontario fall fairs
Make your summer strawberry sweet
Ontario farmland under intense pressure
OFA sees opportunity to build stronger agriculture and rural communities with re-elected Ford Government
Campaign platforms show that advocacy matters
Farmers embracing technology, sustainable practices and direct-to-consumer sales
OFA engages election candidates on food security and supply chain resilience
Supporting the agri-food sector means economic growth and prosperity for Ontario
OFA marks one-year anniversary of Home Grown campaign
OFA sees protection of farmland as key to long-term food security
OFA highlights collaborative projects and initiatives at second annual Research Day
What does 175 acres actually mean?
Local federations cultivating engagement with politicians
OFA celebrates farming and food on Canada’s Agriculture Day
Local food is key to a healthy diet
OFA pleased to see ag priorities addressed in fall economic statement
OFA’s Policy Advisory Council highlights value of grassroots input
Exiting provincial directors reflect on their time representing Ontario’s farm families
OFA case studies illustrate economic and environmental benefits of farmland
MZOs jeopardize long-term productivity and sustainability of Ontario’s farmland
OFA addresses key priorities to enhance Ontario’s agri-food sector and rural communities in pre-budget submission
OFA Today – 2021 Edition
OFA urges farmland preservation to maintain demand for locally sourced food
Protecting agricultural land key to future food production and processing
OFA opposes residential severances on prime ag land
A look back at Ontario agriculture in 2019
OFA always vigilant with proposed legislation
Government reversal protects Ontario farmland
Southwestern Ontario Hydro One Transmission Line Projects
What’s happening – geologic carbon storage in Southwestern Ontario
Purchasing the property next door? Information on merged property titles
Agriculture Matters – a Guide for Municipal Councillors and Staff
Why it matters – summary of OFA research projects and initiatives
2017 Farmland Value and Rental Value Survey Report
Producing Prosperity – an election priority
Agricultural System in the Greater Golden Horseshoe – FAQ
Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Formulae
Farmland at Risk Report – Greater Golden Horseshoe