OFA expressed its deep-seated concerns to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the recent proliferation of Minister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs) issued for municipalities with robust planning systems, Official Plans and Zoning By-laws. This frequent use undermines Ontario’s long-established system of land use planning under the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) and municipal Official Plans and Zoning By-laws. It deprives citizens impacted by these MZOs the ability to be consulted on proposed amendments to municipal Official Plans and Zoning By-laws. OFA noted that certain MZOs seem to ignore the application of key criteria and considerations, such as: the application of Ontario’s Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) formulae and guidelines; whether proposed growth can be accommodated through intensification, redevelopment and in designated growth areas; and the completion of an Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA). OFA firmly believes in the widespread use of AIAs to ensure that any negative impacts of proposed developments are first avoided, then minimized and lastly mitigated. OFA requested Minister Clark’s support in deterring the use of Ministerial Zoning Orders for municipalities with well-developed, Ministry-approved Official Plans and Zoning By-laws.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA letter to Minister Clark regarding use of Minister’s Zoning Orders
Updated: December 1, 2020