OFA provides comments to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding community infrastructure and housing accelerator – propose guideline (consultation on the More Homes for Everyone Plan). Ontario is losing some of its most productive agricultural land to pressures for urbanization and growth enabled by provincial policies and tools. Essentially, this Guideline effectively brings into legislation the ‘unwritten rules’ that have been used when issuing MZOs over recent years. OFA urges the Ontario government to withdraw its Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator (CIHA) Guidelines and CIHA tool proposals altogether. OFA strongly opposes using MZOs for municipalities with well-developed, Ministry-approved Official Plans and Zoning By-laws. The provincial land use planning policy framework, such as the PPS and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe work together to support the government’s objectives to increase housing choices. An existing range of tools, including financial, regulatory, and policy, also support this land use policy framework. OFA recommends using these existing tools, policies, and processes to address provincial housing affordability needs, which must pursue responsible planning outcomes and contribute to developing complete, dense, and transit-supportive communities. Lastly, the provision that the Minister cannot issue these Orders in the Greenbelt Area is a piecemeal approach to farmland and environmental protections. OFA urges the Ontario government to implement changes to Ontario’s land use planning regime that fully reflect that growth management and farmland protection are two sides of the same coin.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding community infrastructure and housing accelerator
Updated: May 2, 2022