OFA wrote to the Honourable Doug Downey (Attorney General of Ontario) regarding the Ontario Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E. 26.
OFA is concerned about the continued loss of productive farmland and the detrimental impacts of the expropriations process on our members resulting in the loss of Ontario’s valuable farmland.
Expropriation of farmland in particular has some unique aspects that must be considered in addition to regulatory requirements for residential expropriation. Farmland is not only the residency for Ontario’s farm families, often multi-generational farmsteads, but also their place of business.
OFA supports regulations that provide additional time in the expropriation process of farmland to ensure farmers can, and are able to, secure alternative locations and afforded time to make necessary preparations prior to allowing expropriation of farmlands to proceed.
OFA requests legislative amendments to require an Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) be conducted prior to initiating an expropriation process in an agricultural farming area, to ensure the sustainability of Ontario’s individual farmers and agricultural sector, and to ensure impacts are mitigated.
OFA is formally requesting that the Attorney General work collaboratively with the other Ontario Ministries, institutions, and municipalities, to confirm that proper consideration is given to the uniqueness of these farming operations when such lands are being subject to an expropriation process.