OFA provides input regarding proposed changes to regulations under the Planning Act and Development Charges Act, 1997 relating to the Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185): Newspaper Notice Requirements and Consequential Housekeeping Changes (Regulatory Registry # 24-MMAH012 and Environmental Registry of Ontario # 019-8370). We understand that under the proposed changes to regulations made under the Planning Act would provide municipalities with an additional manner of giving notice, when notice is required to be given, to meet the statutory land use planning notice requirements. In addition to other ways of giving notice, municipalities would be able to provide notice on a municipal website if there is no local print newspaper available. Additionally, this proposal includes regulatory changes to enable municipalities to give notice of a proposed new/amending Development Charge or Community Benefit Charges by-law or passage of a by-law on a municipal website, if a local newspaper is not available, by amending regulations under the Development Charges Act, 1997 and the Planning Act.
OFA agrees that public consultation is a central and mandatory element of Ontario’s land use planning system. It provides an opportunity for the local community to share input, including attending public meetings, expressing views on development proposals, and participating in policy development.
OFA supports modernizing public notice requirements, recognizing that many communities no longer have a community newspaper. No question, posting detailed information about proposed planning applications and proposed by-laws on a municipal website will be useful to individuals seeking more information. However, unlike a notice in a community newspaper, an individual would typically not visit a municipal website on a regular basis unless they anticipated new information would be posted.
OFA recommends that in addition to modernizing how notice can be provided through municipal websites, municipalities should also be required to offer the public the opportunity to sign-up for email notifications and notify those who have signed up when additional notices are added to a municipal website.
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