Regulations are a fact of business, no matter what business you are in. Most regulations serve an important function to protect actions or allow certain activities to be maintained. And an important part of the regulatory process is to be sure regulations remain relevant and adapt with the business environment.
OFA has continually raised the need for regulatory reforms over the years. OFA appreciated the opportunity to be involved in Ontario’s Open for Business (OfB) Sector Strategy and lead the Agriculture and Agri-Food Sector Consultations in 2011.
In the August 2011 final report on the Business Sector Strategy: Agriculture and Agri-Food, “the OFA recommended that OMAFRA adopt an inclusive consultative model that actively involves the agriculture and agri-food sector in the regulatory development process.” In response to that recommendation, OMAFRA established the OfB Agriculture and Agri-Food Sector Consultation Forum, in which OFA is pleased to continue to participate, to improve the way regulations are developed and to look at existing regulations to ensure they are effective and not detrimental to our competitiveness.
Over the years, OFA has worked with the provincial government on the Open for Business program to improve the way regulations are developed, and check in that existing regulations are effective and not putting up roadblocks for Ontario agriculture to continue to be competitive.
OFA Position
Reducing the regulatory burden for farmers remains a priority of OFA, while also ensuring the public policy objectives are met.
OFA comments regarding a new regulation to focus municipal environmental assessment requirements
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding proposed regulations under the Protecting Farmers From Non-Payment Act.
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed public notice requirements changes under the Planning Act and the Development Charges Act.
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed changes to the Development Charges Act.
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed changes to the Planning Act and Municipal Act, 2001 through the proposed Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024.
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding proposed legislative amendments to the Line Fences Act.
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the proposed policies for a new provincial planning policy instrument
OFA submission to the Ontario Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding consideration of Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024
OFA submission regarding proposed changes to how verification certificates are issued for incinerators regulated under the Nutrient Management Act
OFA submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding Ontario’s 2024 Budget
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding the evaluation of municipal class environmental assessment requirements for infrastructure projects
OFA submission regarding proposal to move to a project list approach under the Environmental Assessment Act
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Aggregate Resources Act, Ontario Regulation 244/97 to expand self-filing activities and a new policy regarding amendments to existing aggregate approvals
OFA submission regarding proposed regulatory amendments to encourage greater reuse of excess soil
OFA submission regarding proposed change to the 2025 National Construction Codes relating to Farm Buildings
OFA letter to Deputy PM and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland regarding Underused Housing Tax (UHT) proposed changes
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding the proposal to streamline environmental permissions for stormwater management under the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding the proposal to streamline permissions for water takings for construction site dewatering activities and foundation drains
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding the Proposal to explore changes to streamline the permit-by-rule framework
OFA submission regarding the Proposed Regulatory Provisions Under The Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the Proposed Changes to the Ontario Fire Code
OFA submission on the amendments to the Ontario Energy Board Act
OFA submission on proposed changes to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act
OFA submission supporting the proposed amendments to O. Reg. 418: Greenhouse Vegetables – Plan
OFA submission regarding the proposal to modernize the Veterinarians Act
OFA submission supporting the proposed Protecting Farmers From Non-Payment Act as specified in schedule 30 of Bill 91
OFA submission regarding the future of competition policy in Canada
OFA submission to the Niagara Escarpment Commission
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding Bill 46: Less Red Tape, Stronger Ontario Act, 2022
OFA letter to the Finance Minister regarding the LCBO mark-up and wine levy imposed on Ontario non-VQA wine sales
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding Future Enhancements to the Qualification Program for Ontario’s Building Practitioners
OFA submission regarding proposed changes to the Nutrient Management Protocol
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the review of A Place to Grow (APTG) and Provincial Policy Statement (PPS)
OFA submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry regarding proposed regulatory updates to streamline approvals under the Conservation Authorities Act
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes to Ontario’s Building Code
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) regarding proposed amendments to certain requirements under the Excess Soil Regulation
Letter to the Minister of Finance regarding the Ontario Federation of Agriculture 2022 Budget Submission
OFA submission to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding low risk sewage works
OFA submission to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services regarding modernizing privacy in Ontario
OFA letter to the Associate Minister, Small Business and Red Tape Reduction regarding Minister Tangri’s recent appointment
OFA letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding changes to the Planning Act
OFA letter to the Standing Committee regarding the Supporting Recovery and Competitiveness Act
OFA submission regarding the proposed golf cart pilot framework
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2021 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding the proposed federal Aquaculture Act
OFA submission regarding the government proposal to exempt dams from Permit-to-Take-Water requirements
OFA submission regarding proposal to update regulations under the Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act
OFA submission regarding proposal to update regulations regarding Grapes
OFA submission regarding proposed project list for comprehensive environmental assessments under the Environmental Assessment Act
OFA submission regarding proposal to amend the Food and Organic Waste Policy Statement
OFA letter to federal Environment and Climate Change Minister regarding Canada’s draft Clean Fuel Standard regulations
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s fall 2020 pre-budget consultation
OFA submission regarding improved prescription medication access for Ontarians living near provincial borders
OFA letter regarding the Nutrient Management Plan five-year renewal
OFA submission regarding the proposed regulation under the Ontario Heritage Act
OFA submission to the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services regarding personal privacy reforms
OFA letter to Minister of Government and Consumer Services Hon. Lisa Thompson regarding Ontario’s Not for Profit Corporations Act
OFA submission regarding audits of provincially inspected abattoirs
OFA submission regarding the proposed changes to the Health of Animals Regulations affecting hatcheries and supply flocks
OFA submission regarding proposed Environmental Assessment exemptions for GTA West Transportation Corridor project
OFA submission regarding proposed Environmental Assessment exemptions for various general projects
OFA submission regarding updating Ontario’s Water Quantity Management Framework
OFA submission regarding fall wild turkey hunting seasons
OFA submission regarding wildlife management regulatory burden
OFA submission regarding the Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations Act
OFA letter to Chairs of the Eastern and Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucuses
OFA submission regarding proposed Production Insurance changes
OFA letter to Finance Minister Morneau regarding the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) eligibility requirements
OFA letter to Minister Yurek regarding farmer pesticide safety certifications
Joint OFA submission with OABA and FBO to Minister Hardeman requesting an exemption from Ontario’s reduced load period weight restrictions
OFA submission regarding the draft Southwest Ontario Transportation Plan
OFA submission regarding proposed regulatory changes affecting on-farm regulated mixed anaerobic digestion facilities
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Ontario Immigrant Nomination Program
OFA submission regarding the Drainage Act Discussion Paper
OFA submission regarding the species-at-risk government response statement for American Ginseng
OFA letter to Finance Minister Phillips outlining OFA’s 2020 Ontario Pre-Budget recommendations
OFA letter to Minister Thompson regarding the Not-For-Profit Corporations Act
OFA letter to Mr. Sangha Sukhman
OFA letter to MPP Amanda Simard
OFA letter to Hon. Sylvia Jones
OFA letter to MPP Toby Barrett
OFA letter to MPP Jim McDonell
OFA letter to Hon. Caroline Mulroney
OFA letter to MPP Rudy Cuzzetto
OFA letter to MPP Mike Harris
OFA letter to Mr. Jim Wielgosz
OFA letter to Hon. Ernie Hardeman
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to Pesticides Act regulations
OFA submission regarding the proposed Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
OFA submission regarding proposed Food Premises Regulation amendments
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority’s mandate
OFA submission regarding amendments to the Pesticides Act
OFA submission regarding business law modernization
OFA submission regarding financial protection programs related to agricultural commodities
OFA letter to CropLife Canada
OFA letter to Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks Hon. Jeff Yurek
OFA submission to the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to Regulation 422/17 under Ontario Immigration Act
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s environmental assessment program
OFA submission regarding conservation authority development permits
OFA submission regarding modernizing conservation authority operations
OFA letter regarding the Niagara Escarpment Plan Agricultural Policies
OFA submission regarding proposed Animal Health Act regulations
OFA comments on proposed regulatory amendments to Ontario Regulation 267/03 under the Nutrient Management Act
OFA submission regarding proposed open-for-business planning tool
OFA submission regarding new regulation under the Planning Act for open-for-business planning tool
OFA response to Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018
OFA comments on changes to the Meat Regulation (O. Reg. 31/05) under the Food Safety and Quality Act
OFA comments to O. Reg. 567, Rabies Immunization
OFA letter to Minister Hardeman regarding Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program
OFA letter to Minister Hardeman regarding needed changes to Ontario’s Wildlife Damage Compensation Program
OFA letter to Minister Brison regarding cost-benefit analysis informing draft regulations on Front-of-Package labelling requirements
OFA letter to Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care to request delayed implementation of livestock rabies vaccination requirements
OFA submission regarding the proposed amendment to the Disposable Containers for Milk regulation
OFA submission regarding proposed regulatory changes to the Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program under the Assessment Act
OFA letter regarding Canadian Free Trade Agreement’s Regulatory Reconciliation and Cooperation Table
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to Rabies Immunization Regulation 567
OFA comments on new regulation to reduce regulatory costs for business
Joint letter to the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission calling for a grower vote on proposed regulatory changes impacting the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers
OFA submission to OMAFRA’s Farms Forever Consultation
OFA submission regarding third party signage policy along provincial highways
OFA letter regarding Food Processing Sector Red Tape Challenge
Collaborative letter regarding proposed amendments to Regulation 440
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance
Review of the Farm Business Registration Program
Canada’s new Right-to-Repair laws good news for farmers
Building relationships to get results
Farmers getting ready to gather in Toronto for annual convention
OFA statement on capital gains and the Canadian Entrepreneurs’ Incentive
Farmers advocate for rural community investments
Farmers face unintended consequences of new federal housing tax
OFA encourages online renewal of Farm Business Registration
OFA welcomes opportunity to work with federal government on resolution to fertilizer tariffs
Farmland produces food. Let’s work together to keep it that way
OFA board tour showcases diversity of agriculture in Niagara
Exiting provincial directors reflect on their time representing Ontario’s farm families
OFA addresses key priorities to enhance Ontario’s agri-food sector and rural communities in pre-budget submission
OFA is optimistic about environmental benefits of a Clean Fuel Standard
OFA Today – 2021 Edition
OFA believes conservation authorities have vital role in working to protect our land and water resources
OFA’s 2020 virtual annual meeting focuses on road to recovery for agri-food sector
OFA members vote in favour of amended bylaw to alter executive election process
Settlement reached in freedom-of-information request
Proposed regulations for Canada’s Clean Fuel Standard raises concern for Ontario farmers
OFA appreciates Ontario government’s efforts to address ONCA concerns
Ontario abattoirs facing processing capacity shortages – in need of funding
Ontario farmers urge protection of private and secure information
Agricultural representation key to regional economic recovery task forces
A look back at Ontario agriculture in 2019
OFA takes agri-food priorities to Queen’s Park
OFA delivers state of Ontario’s agri-food sector at Queen’s Park
Ontario’s beef industry needs immediate government support
Local federation meetings – getting ready for the AGM
Building a stronger partnership for Ontario agriculture
OFA advocates for red tape reduction
OFA always vigilant with proposed legislation
Government reversal protects Ontario farmland
Bringing ag and rural issues to next federal budget
OFA: Starting the new year with renewed priorities