OFA submitted comments on ERO # 019-1340: Updating Ontario’s Water Quantity Management Framework. OFA is pleased that agricultural irrigation (including frost protection) has been prioritized as a “Highest Use Priority”. It is absolutely essential that the Ministry engage with the agricultural community for direct input in developing guidance material that will impact agricultural water users. The fact that agriculture holds the greatest number of water-taking permits (although not the largest water users) means that the system must be set up in a way that facilitates our use of the program. Any processes that are established must recognize and support agricultural stakeholders with the capacity to fully participate. OFA is completely opposed to the release of water taking data that can be used to identify a specific agricultural water user. However, OFA has long advocated that the Provincial government should make other technical information that it holds, available to water takers to reduce the burden on permit applicants. Information regarding local water budgets and hydrogeological information should not only be available but information gaps should also be funded by the government – not permit applicants.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission regarding updating Ontario’s Water Quantity Management Framework
Updated: July 31, 2020