OFA provided comments and perspective on the government’s Drainage Act Discussion Paper. Ontario’s municipal drains contribute positively to crop yields. Initiatives that streamline Drainage Act processes and improve drain performance are welcomed by Ontario farmers. OFA supports a simplified process to update the engineer’s report to account for changes to drain design made during construction. As the Discussion Paper notes, OFA was one of the stakeholder groups that developed the Drainage Act & Section 28 Regulations Team (DART) protocol. Before suggesting additional protocols, OFA believes there is a need to update the current DART protocol in light of recent amendments to the Conservation Authorities Act related to Section 28 and the forthcoming definitions of terms such as “development activity”, “watercourse” and “wetland”. Defining these terms will have a bearing on the current DART protocol, as well as on potential future protocols. Routine municipal drain maintenance is a very important to ensure for adequate water flow. Poor maintenance of a drainage system combined with a severe weather event can lead to flooding damage. OFA also encourages OMAFRA to increase its efforts to raise awareness of drainage related rights and responsibilities, as well as guide property owners on how to address drainage related concerns.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission regarding the Drainage Act Discussion Paper
Updated: February 20, 2020