OFA supports the Ontario government’s proposal to improve access to prescription medication for Ontarians living near Ontario’s provincial borders. For the purposes of Ontario’s Exceptional Access Program (EAP), these proposed changes would give the status of “authorized prescribers” to Quebec and Manitoba physicians and nurses with drug-prescribing authority. OFA also asserted that health care is a necessary service for sustaining a community, and also provides considerable economic stimulus. In order to keep farm families on the farm, and maintain their substantial contributions to the economy, farmers require access to a variety of services and infrastructure, including hospitals, and health care services, facilities and professionals. Residents in rural Ontario must have equal access to affordable, high quality health care services, facilities, and practitioners that our urban counterparts can readily access.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission regarding improved prescription medication access for Ontarians living near provincial borders
Updated: October 16, 2020