Affordable energy is a serious issue in Ontario. Rural Ontario is the hardest hit by energy inflation with most businesses, residents and farms relying on electricity, propane or heating oil to support their way of life. Energy is one of the largest input costs on Ontario farms. Rural Ontario pays a disproportionately higher amount for electricity delivery charges than urban residents.
The expansion of natural gas is the single most important investment Ontario can make to support a vibrant and thriving Ontario.
Farms and rural businesses need affordable energy to stay competitive, grow Ontario’s economy and support local communities. We can build stronger, more vibrant rural communities when they have access to affordable energy. Expanded natural gas infrastructure would save Ontarians $1 billion every year. That money can be reinvested in communities to grow our economy. And that’s an investment that will reduce pressure on the electrical grid, reduce greenhouse gases and help alleviate growth stress in urban communities.
OFA participates in many industry and advisory groups to ensure rural and agricultural communities have a voice in the design and implementation of rural energy policy. These groups include saveONenergy Agricultural Working Group, Anchor Alliance for Competitive Hydro Rates, Hydro One Customer Advisory Panel, and participation at IESO stakeholder sessions and Ontario Energy Board Regulatory Board reviews.
OFA Position
OFA believes the provincial government must find permanent solutions to deliver affordable electricity rates for farms and businesses to keep rural Ontario competitive.
Rural Ontario needs access to clean, reliable and cost-effective energy options like those available in urban centres. Natural gas infrastructure throughout rural Ontario is vital to the realization of a renewable natural gas fuel standard. Rural residential and business electricity customers need solutions to remedy the excessive costs incurred for rural delivery.
OFA Submission regarding the Proposed Integrated Energy Resource Plan
OFA Submission regarding proposed changes to cost allocation and recovery of certain electricity system connection infrastructure for high growth areas
OFA Submission regarding Proposed Legislative Amendments to Enable an Affordable Energy Future
OFA Submission regarding Proposed Programs to Promote Beneficial Electrification
OFA Submission regarding the 2025-2036 Electricity Energy Efficiency Framework
OFA submission regarding the Ontario Regulation 429/04 Amendments Related to the Treatment of Corporate Power Purchase Agreements
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998
OFA submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding Ontario’s 2024 Budget
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) regarding the proposed long-term procurement plan to acquire energy and capacity to meet electricity needs
OFA submission to the Ministry of Energy regarding the Pathways to Decarbonization Study
OFA submission regarding the evaluation of municipal class environmental assessment requirements for infrastructure projects
OFA submission regarding proposal to move to a project list approach under the Environmental Assessment Act
OFA provides comments to the Ministry of Energy regarding future electricity energy efficiency programming
OFA provides comments to the Ministry of Energy regarding proposed amendments related to the treatment of corporate power purchase agreements
OFA submission to the Ministry of Energy regarding the future of the Natural Gas Expansion Program
OFA submission on the amendments to the Ontario Energy Board Act
OFA submission on proposed changes to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act
OFA submission to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) regarding Climate Change resiliency
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to the Ontario Energy Board regarding amendments to the Standard Supply Service Code and Regulated Price Plan Manual
OFA submission to the Ministry of Energy, Conservation and Renewable Energy Division regarding the implementation of an Ultra-Low Overnight Electricity Regulated Price Plan
OFA submission to the Ministry of Energy regarding a proposal for a voluntary enhanced time-of-use rate price plan
OFA submission to the Ministry of Energy regarding critical transmission infrastructure in Southwestern Ontario
Letter to the Minister of Finance regarding the Ontario Federation of Agriculture 2022 Budget Submission
OFA letter to Premier Doug Ford regarding Natural Gas Expansion Program
OFA submission regarding Bill C-206, an Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act
Letter to the Minister of Energy regarding the Retail Council of Canada request for Global Adjustment Dynamic Pricing Pilot Programs for Class B, non-RPP ratepayers
OFA Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau regarding Enbridge Line 5 Pipeline through Michigan into Ontario
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2021 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding proposed transition to Ontario’s Emissions Performance Standards program
OFA submission regarding combined heat and power systems that use natural gas or wood biomass as fuel
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s fall 2020 pre-budget consultation
OFA letter supporting efforts to expand the farm fuels exempt from the federal carbon charge
OFA submission regarding choice for electricity customers
OFA submission regarding proposed earlier access to land to conduct preliminary environmental studies for electricity transmission projects
OFA submission regarding a future electricity transmission corridor to support Halton, Peel and York region
OFA letter to Finance Minister Phillips outlining OFA’s 2020 Ontario Pre-Budget recommendations
OFA letter to MPP Sam Oosterhoff
OFA letter to MPP Michael Gravelle
OFA letter to MPP Mike Schreiner
OFA letter to Mr. Sangha Sukhman
OFA letter to MPP Amanda Simard
OFA letter to Hon. Sylvia Jones
OFA letter to MPP Toby Barrett
OFA letter to MPP Jim McDonell
OFA letter to Hon. Caroline Mulroney
OFA letter to MPP Rudy Cuzzetto
OFA letter to MPP Mike Harris
OFA letter to Mr. Jim Wielgosz
OFA letter to MPP Faisal Hassan
OFA letter to Hon. Ernie Hardeman
OFA letter to Hon. Steve Clark
OFA letter to MPP John Vanthof
OFA letter to Mr. Patrick Sackville
OFA letter to MPP Randy Pettapiece
Letter to Minister of Transportation regarding CN Rail strike
Letter to CN Rail management regarding propane supply
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments to OREC program and GA transparency
OFA letter to Minister Hardeman regarding FPT issues for discussion
OFA letter to Minister Rickford regarding the Ministry Consultation on Industrial Electricity Prices
OFA letter regarding proposed GHG Pollution Pricing System Carbon Charge on Fuels
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s proposal to increase the Renewable Content in Fuels
OFA letter regarding Clean Fuel Standard Regulatory Design Paper
OFA’s 2019 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
OFA letter regarding Bill 32 to Amend Ontario Energy Board Act for Natural Gas Expansion
OFA submission to Standing Committee on General Government for Bill 32
OFA letter regarding proposed amendment to Renewable Energy Approvals
OFA letter regarding Bill 34, Green Energy Repeal Act and amendments to the Electricity, Planning and Environmental Protection Acts
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan
OFA’s 2018 Pre-Budget Consultation Presentation
OFA comments on Climate Change Adaptation
OFA submission regarding regulation requiring smart electricity grid data management
OFA letter regarding proposed amendment to Reg 541/05 (Net Metering)
OFA letter regarding amendments to Ethanol in Gasoline and Greener Diesel Renewable Fuel Content Requirements
OFA letter regarding proposed amendment to Reg 389_10 under Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010
OFA submission regarding renewable energy generation facility siting
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s Green Commercial Vehicle Program
OFA submission to OMAFRA’s Farms Forever Consultation
OFA submission regarding proposed landfill gas Climate Change Cap and Trade program offset protocol
OFA letter supporting a proposed agri-food renewable natural gas for transportation demonstration program
OFA letter to the Energy Minister supporting improved rural electricity distribution rate protection
OFA letter to the Energy Minister requesting equal treatment of rural General Service Demand electricity customers under Global Adjustment alignment
OFA letter to the Energy Minister about regulations implementing electricity invoicing changes
OFA letter requesting reconsideration of a solar installation application
OFA letter to Minister Thibeault regarding Expansion of Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) under the Electricity Act
OFA letter to Minister Thibeault regarding amendments to Ontario Electricity Support Program
OFA submission on Renewable Fuel Standards for Gasoline
OFA’s 2017 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
OFA letter to Minister Thibeault regarding Ontario’s Long Term Energy Plan
OFA submission on proposed amendments to regulations under the Electricity Act and the Ontario Rebate for Electricity Consumers Act
OFA’s collaborative letter to Minister Thibeault regarding Natural Gas and LTEP
OFA letter to Minister Leal regarding bio-based engine lubricants
OFA submission regarding proposed amendments O. Reg 541/05 Net Metering
OFA submission regarding Large Building Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking
OFA submission on proposed amendment to Rural or Remote Electricity Rate Protection
OFA Presentation to Standing Committee on General Government on Bill 135
OFA’s 2016 Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Private Gaswell Fees
Land Easements and Acquisitions Under Infrastructure Projects
Facts about Energy Retailers
Save ON Energy Measures
Understanding Service Types for Hydro One Customers
Energy Opportunities on Ontario Farms
Energy issues remain top priority for Ontario farmers
Building relationships to get results
What to know about renewable energy installations on your land
Balancing our energy and food security needs
Younger farmers changing the face of agriculture
Farmers advocate for rural community investments
Ontario farmers profoundly disappointed at Senate vote on carbon tax relief bill
Ontario farm leaders head to Ottawa to show support for Bill C-234
Farm and rural prosperity will boost provincial economy
OFA, industry stakeholders connect with municipalities over common interests
OFA calls for government investments in food, farming and rural communities
Building bridges with rural leaders
Farmland preservation, strong rural communities top OFA priority list for 2023
OFA pleased with strong support for broader fuel tax exemption for farmers
Campaign platforms show that advocacy matters
OFA highlights collaborative projects and initiatives at second annual Research Day
New economic study to estimate cost of carbon tax on Ontario agriculture
OFA addresses key priorities to enhance Ontario’s agri-food sector and rural communities in pre-budget submission
OFA Today – 2021 Edition
OFA highlights current state of Ontario’s agri-food system
Rural infrastructure investments will pave the way for prosperity
OFA agri-food priorities for a new decade
A look back at Ontario agriculture in 2019
OFA takes agri-food priorities to Queen’s Park
OFA delivers state of Ontario’s agri-food sector at Queen’s Park
Immediate action needed by federal government to end CN Rail strike
Natural gas provides affordable and “greener” way to fuel rural Ontario
Smart expansion the key to providing natural gas across Ontario
New minority government offers opportunity for collaboration
Kudos to Chamber of Commerce on new regional economies report
Report shows agri-food economic contributions add up
Local federation meetings – getting ready for the AGM
Study says immigration will solve growing labour gap
Let’s make 2019 the year we recycle every plastic jug
Clearing up confusion on the federal carbon fuel tax
Exemption from new fuel charge available for Ontario farmers
Happiness and the rural solution
OFA always vigilant with proposed legislation
OFA’s advice to government: invest in rural Ontario
Bringing ag and rural issues to next federal budget
OFA: Starting the new year with renewed priorities
Winter Time Of Use and Tiered electricity prices for homes and small businesses
Agriculture Matters – a Guide for Municipal Councillors and Staff
The Great Mosaic: Reviving Ontario’s Regional Economies
Fossil Fuel Carbon Charges Under the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, 2019
Ontario farmers: take action now to be exempt from fuel charge
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities
Producing Prosperity – an election priority
Smart Energy Community Scorecard
Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan: Delivering Fairness and Choice
ROI: Rural Ontario Foresight Papers 2017
Ontario Electricity Bill Reductions
OFA Background: Ontario’s Next Long-Term Energy Plan
Rural Ontario Natural Gas Backgrounder
Debt Retirement Charge
Update on Ontario Energy Plans
Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Presentation to Ontario Standing Committee on Finance
OFA letter to Premier McGuinty – New Industrial Electricity Incentive Program
Private Gaswells
OFA letter regarding Belmont Solar