Licensing Private Gas Wells; December 9, 2011
Section 3.0 Definition of a Private Gas Well
The OFA has no objections to this section. Nevertheless, the OFA recommends that use of gas on the farm, to heat barns, implement sheds or for crop drying be clearly and unequivocally excluded from use in relation to a “business or commercial enterprise”. Use of gas on the farm should not be limited to residential heating.
Section 4.0 Interpretation of Definition
The OFA still opposes a(iii), the 30,000 cubic meters per well limit. We see it as utterly unnecessary in relation to the 1overall objective of safe operation of private gas wells. It has no bearing on risk assessment. Private use should solely apply to the source of and use any natural gas being from and on the same farm operation. Otherwise, OFA has no objections to this section. The OFA recommends that the reference to 30,000 cubic meters per well be dropped.