Access to reliable high-speed internet is important, no matter where you live. High speed (broadband) internet service is as vital to modern farm businesses as electricity and telephone service. Farmers rely on internet for information to make business decisions, operate on-farm technology, facilitate marketing of farm products, access continuing education and farm management information, and communicate with the community.
Reliable internet access is the norm in urban areas of Ontario, but continues to be a problem in many rural areas of the province, often only a few miles from major cities. Access to high speed internet in rural and remote areas of Ontario is an ongoing struggle.
OFA Position
Reliable high-speed internet service should be considered an essential service and is vital to the continued growth and development of rural Ontario. OFA believes that reliable, high-speed internet should be available, affordable and competitively priced to all Ontarians. Ontario’s residents should not be disadvantaged for choosing to live and work in rural areas and should have the same access, level and range of services as urban Ontarians.