OFA provided its support for “A Cyber Security Monitoring and Threat Hunting System Monitoring and Threat Hunting System for Protecting Smart and Precision Farming Systems” project proposal. OFA supports the objectives of this project to: Assess the cyber security risks to smart farming environments; Assess the potential impact on Canada’s agri-food value chain; Provide intelligence required to build a security monitoring and threat hunting system; Develop an incident detection and response framework for timely detection, containment and eradication of cyber intrusion attempts; and Develop network controllers and controlling devices that can be installed in a variety of locations in smart farming networks to collect and preserve data and to protect critical devices. The insights and knowledge gained from this project will offer a significant and timely step towards the security of our farms and production systems.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA letter of support for the proposed cyber security monitoring project
Updated: February 5, 2020