Ontario farmers rely on business risk management (BRM) programs to manage and mitigate the impact of weather and other unavoidable variables farmers face in their businesses. Ontario farmers have access to BRM programs, funded in part by individual farmers and the government.
In Ontario, Agricorp delivers AgriStability, Production Insurance, and Ontario’s Risk Management Program (RMP). Ontario farmers may also be eligible for AgriInvest which is delivered by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
OFA Position
OFA fully supports the request for adequate and bankable risk management programming.
OFA remains actively involved in the government’s current program review to advocate for the program changes needed to help Ontario farmers effectively manage risk.
OFA submission regarding the Proposed change to the AgriInsurance Program – Designation of Agricultural Products
OFA submission supporting establishing a Sandhill Crane hunting season in Ontario
OFA submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs regarding Ontario’s 2024 Budget
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2024 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission supporting the proposed Protecting Farmers From Non-Payment Act as specified in schedule 30 of Bill 91
OFA submission to Finance Canada regarding Canada’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission to Finance Minister Bethlenfalvy regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2023 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding proposed changes to the Nutrient Management Protocol
Letter to the Minister of Finance regarding the Ontario Federation of Agriculture 2022 Budget Submission
OFA letter to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding proposed changes to Acts
Joint letter to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding recommendations for the drought crisis in Northwestern Ontario
Joint letter to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada regarding drought conditions in Northwestern Ontario
OFA letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding AgriStability and strategic initiatives
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s 2021 pre-budget consultations
OFA submission regarding Ontario’s fall 2020 pre-budget consultation
OFA submission regarding audits of provincially inspected abattoirs
OFA congratulatory letter to MP Lianne Rood regarding new role as Shadow Minister, Agriculture and Agri-Food for the Official Opposition
OFA submission regarding proposed Production Insurance changes
OFA letter to Finance Minister Morneau regarding the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) eligibility requirements
OFA letter to Minister Morneau and Minister Bibeau regarding program implementation
OFA letter to Minister Hardeman requesting an Agri-Recovery assessment of the feed and straw shortage in northwestern Ontario
OFA letter to Finance Minister Phillips outlining OFA’s 2020 Ontario Pre-Budget recommendations
OFA submission regarding the proposed Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 (Bill 132)
OFA letter to Minister Hardeman regarding FPT issues for discussion
OFA letter to Minister Hardeman to request meeting regarding Business Risk Management changes
OFA letter to Agricorp regarding production insurance for Winter Rye
OFA letter to Agricorp regarding fire damage to crops and pastureland
OFA letter regarding the Reducing Litter and Waste Discussion Paper
OFA letter to Minister Leal supporting regulatory amendments to allow participation of Beef Breeder Co-ops in the Beef Cattle Financial Protection Program
OFA’s 2017 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
OFA letter requesting Agri-Recovery assistance due to 2016 drought
OFA letter regarding Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Next Policy Framework Phase 2 Consultation
OFA letter regarding the next APF Phase 1 Consultations
OFA letter regarding Production Insurance for tender fruit trees
OFA submission on Emergency Management Framework
OFA’s 2016 Pre-budget Submission to Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs
Pre-budget Brief Letter to Minister of Finance
Ontario farmers appreciate risk management program funding increase
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OFA calls for government investments in food, farming and rural communities
Help us protect local food production
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OFA’s Policy Advisory Council highlights value of grassroots input
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OFA supports farmers across the country with donation to emergency initiatives
OFA Today – 2021 Edition
OFA supports efforts to enhance Business Risk Management for agriculture
OFA survey shows farmers adapting and making strides on the road to recovery
OFA welcomes funding increase to Ontario’s Risk Management Program
Ontario farm businesses working to adapt to a new reality
The time is now to support Ontario’s agri-food system with workable solutions
Financial support provided by the Canadian government falls short of expectations for the agri-food industry
AgriStability enrollment an option for farm businesses anticipating financial hardship
OFA members share how their operations are faring during COVID-19
OFA takes the pulse of Ontario ag as COVID-19 continues
Ontario’s beef industry needs immediate government support
OFA challenges new federal government to collaborate for agriculture
New minority government offers opportunity for collaboration
Farm shows, fall fairs and harvest
Feds leave farmers in uncompetitive market position
Bringing Ontario issues to national ag ministers’ meeting
When Your Client is a Farmer Guide
Resilient Fields: Bringing science and farmers together
OFA welcomes expansion of Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) eligibility
Suggestions for reducing VOM levels in corn
Farm Business Advisory Services Survey Results