OFA provides comments to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding proposed changes to combine the Grains Act, the Livestock and Livestock Products Act and the Farm Products Payments Act, which govern Ontario’s Financial Protection Programs. The new Act will be updated to make it more flexible, modern and reflective of current industry and board governance best practices. OFA is in favour of OMAFRA’s intended aim to improve and clarify the rules and requirements to obtain and renew a license, expand the suite of enforcement tools to encourage compliance, update appeal provisions, update Board powers, make it easier to expand the programs to other sectors, and allow for greater flexibility in program delivery and administration. OFA supports proposed amendments to make it easier to expand programming to cover agricultural products beyond these existing commodities. OFA recommends that OMAFRA engage and assist other commodity groups, expressing interest in developing a financial protection program to protect their producers, with drafting the needed business plan referred to in the second footnote of the posting’s background document.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA letter to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding proposed changes to Acts
Updated: September 7, 2021