Glengarry Harvest Season Road Safety Campaign
To increase local knowledge relating to general safety around farm machinery on the roads, the Glengarry Federation is planning a radio campaign targeting the harvest season.
Dangerous driving behaviours put both our farm community and the general motoring public at risk across our county. The multimedia campaign will educate residents of our county on shared responsibilities to ensure road safety.
The primary component of the plan to address this issue is a radio media campaign running from October through to the end of November. The 30-second radio ad will be recorded by members of the Glengarry Federation of Agriculture board and address the primary areas of concern relating to farm equipment travel on roadways. These include a reminder to motorists that farm equipment needs more space to maneuver, has multiple blind spots and may turn unexpectedly into farm entrances and laneways. Other details will include the need for farm equipment operators to ensure adequate lighting on equipment, to clearly signal their intentions before turning and to check for traffic coming from behind when turning left.
The goal of having local farm leaders as voices on the ads will be to create a sense of connection and accountability to all drivers and to remind farmers that their peers are challenging them to prepare diligently for road safety practices during peak seasons.