Ontario’s agri-food industry will have a vital role in rebuilding our economy as we begin to navigate our road to recovery. That was a key message communicated by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) to provincial and federal policymakers in our latest edition of the From the Field newsletter.
The fall 2020 issue has been published and distributed to all MPPs and MPs across the province highlighting current economic growth opportunities and challenges facing Ontario farm businesses and rural communities. It also features a variety of key issues and priorities OFA has been advocating for on behalf of our 38,000 farm family members over the last several months.
OFA recognizes and appreciates the efforts of the Ontario and Canadian governments in supporting farm families and the entire food value chain through the COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate their willingness to keep the conversation going through virtual town hall meetings and collaborating with industry stakeholders to find workable solutions for farmers to continue conducting business in a crisis environment.
Inside this issue, we focus on the agri-food sector as the rural solution to Ontario’s economic recovery, addressing labour gaps through the launch of the Feeding Your Future initiative, sharing input on improving Ontario’s privacy protection and highlighting the need to protect our food supply from farm-to-table through the implementation of Bill 156, the Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020.
Learn about these key priorities and more in the latest MPP/MP newsletter.