Project Name: Grain Extraction Rescue Equipment
Project summary and highlights:
The Temiskaming Federation of Agriculture collaborated with the Earlton Farm Show to purchase three grain extraction rescue units. These units will be located at Town of Englehart, the Township of Evantural and Koch Farms/Agri-Sales and will be able to be used in the case of an emergency, covering an area that includes many of the farmers within Temiskaming.
Lasting and relevant impact to the OFA membership:
Grain and oilseed production within the Temiskaming area has increased significantly over the last decade, which has resulted in an increase in on-farm grain storage and major expansions for 2 local grain elevators. With this increased storage comes increased risk of on-farm accidents and local emergency responders lack the equipment to safely perform on-farm rescues. Providing this equipment is the first step in enabling our local emergency responders to be better trained and equipped for on-farm emergencies.