Project Name: Caution SMV signs for municipal roads
Project summary and highlights:
Prince Edward Federation of Agriculture (PEFA) wished to follow suit of neighbouring counties, partnering with the municipality to erect Caution Slow Moving Vehicle signage. These signs are approved by the MTO and are appropriate for agricultural areas where slow moving equipment frequents the roads. PEFA received permission to partner with Prince Edward County to erect two signs on roads most traveled by tourists. One is located on a main road between Belleville and Wellington, and the one shown in the picture is located on a main county road between Picton and Sandbanks Provincial Park. We worked with the Agricultural Advisory Committee to communicate the project with the municipality and to come to an agreement on the location of the signs. The signs have been installed and just in time for busy tourist traffic!
Organizations that partnered in-kind contributions:
The municipality of Prince Edward County partnered with us and supported the project by erecting the signs and paying for the materials and staff time to do so.
Lasting and relevant impact to the OFA membership.:
This project builds on our last project with the municipality, also with the Ag Advisory Committee, where we supported and gave feedback on larger signs, welcoming tourists to the county and letting them know this is an agricultural community. Every little bit counts when it comes to road safety, and teaching motorists what the SMV sign is an important element.
Bonus – any lessons learned, or surprises?
It was a smooth process, since we were using a format used in our neighboring counties. In the future, we hope to erect a few more of these signs around the county.