Project Name: 2 Member Meetings – MTO, safety and laws on the road & CK Fire Department, Open Fire Burning Discussion
Project summary and highlights:
The KFA had 2 member meetings (one in March and one in April). The first meeting included a presentation from the MTO on safety and laws on the roads. The second meeting had an open fire burning discussion from the CK Fire department and a discussion on the dangers of high-pressure hydraulics on the farm from a Board Director. At both meetings safety kits were handed out to all members who attended. The safety kits were packaged in a pail with lid and included earmuffs, disposal coveralls, safety glasses, chemical gloves and a N95 respirator mask. Each meeting was held in a different community within the Municipality.
Partner Organizations: Maple Mutual Insurance as well as BASF.
Lasting and relevant impact to the OFA membership.
The discussion with the MTO and fire department was educational for the members with lots of questions from members getting clarification. The safety kits were greatly appreciated by the members and the timing of the meeting allowed the members to have kits before the spring planting season started.
Lessons learned, or surprises:
Lesson learned is that the KFA needs to do a better job in advertising their spring meetings to try and attract more members to events. Do not hold two meetings within a couple weeks of each other.