Launched in 1999, Better Farming magazine is the professional farmer’s trusted source for insight and analysis on commercial agriculture and the key issues affecting rural life.
Our loyal, engaged readers invest their valuable time with Better Farming. And we know we must continue to earn that time and that trust – every month, with every magazine. It’s our solemn pledge to producers across Ontario and to Canada’s agricultural industry.
Better Farming publishes 11 magazines annually, and OFA members receive a complimentary subscription as a benefit of their OFA membership.
KEY STAT: Surveys show that between 99 and 100 per cent of farmer readers find Better Farming “important and useful to their farm business operation.”
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OFA's Limited Time Offers
Our limited time offers contain a wide range of temporary services exclusively for OFA members, delivering additional value to your farm business. Click below to see what new and excited offers we have in store for you.
OFA Benefit Program Disclaimer/Statement of Purpose:
OFA’s Benefit Program is designed to provide OFA members with choices for preferred group pricing on farm inputs, and to provide members with pricing information that they can use in making purchase decisions. While we strive to get the preferred deal or best available pricing for members, the OFA cannot guarantee that its Benefit Program partner pricing is the lowest price available in the marketplace. We encourage all members to use the Benefit Program information to help make the best decisions for their business. Please note that OFA is not responsible for disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with an OFA members’ contract or signed agreement with a benefit program provider. Any contract or agreement signed by OFA members with benefit program partners is exclusive to that benefit provider and does not involve the OFA.