OFA provides comments to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding clarifying the authority to change the classes of projects to which a class environmental assessment process applies. OFA appreciates that this consultation is proposing a minor amendment to the Environmental Assessment Act to clarify that the authority includes changing the classes (or types) of projects to which a class EA applies. OFA continues to stress the need for mandatory Agricultural Impact Assessments (AIA) for projects that have any potential to affect agricultural operations. For projects that have the potential to impact agricultural operations, it remains crucial that the impact to agriculture is assessed. A formal requirement to complete an AIA must be built into the assessment of any project that has the potential to impact agriculture. This means an AIA must be included within the Environmental Assessment process, and also be required for projects that may be excluded from the Environmental Assessment Act. Furthermore, the requirement for an AIA must remain, even if the the class (or type) of project is changed.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding a class environmental assessment process
Updated: December 1, 2021