OFA provides comments to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding the proposal to update the Land Use Compatibility Guideline. OFA is supportive of the proposed updated Guideline as this Guideline will help municipalities and planning authorities plan sensitive land uses and major facilities. However, OFA strongly recommends the proposed Guideline be revised so that cannabis production is not named as a “Major Facility”. OFA believes that no production of any agricultural product belongs on that list. Licensed cannabis production, for medical and/or recreational-use purposed, should be considered a farming activity and that all levels of government and their agencies should treat income, workers and facilities in connection to the growing of cannabis consistent with the treatment applied to other farm activities. Listing the production of an agricultural crop as a Major Facility under the PPS definition could set a precedent for other types of agricultural crop production to be defined in this manner as well, and thus make them subject to additional Area of Influence studies and associated setbacks. OFA requests that wording within the proposal be made definitive such that it states: “Cannabis production facilities are considered agricultural uses.”
Submissions & Correspondence
Submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding the Land Use Compatibility Guideline
Updated: July 12, 2021