OFA provides comments to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines regarding the elimination of renewable energy requirements. OFA appreciates the opportunity to share a rural Ontario perspective on the Ministry proposal to repeal sections in the Electricity Act (EA) and the Ontario Energy Board Act (OEBA) that promoted and prioritized renewable energy (RE) generation products. OFA is concerned that repeal of certain sections to the two Acts, without accounting for the carbon costs associated with fossil fuels, will send the signal that Ontario no longer supports continued and additional low carbon or carbon neutral solutions for energy generation. The Green Energy Act distorted the marketplace to rapidly and significantly green Ontario’s electricity generation. Recognizing the danger of allowing the pendulum to swing too far in the other direction from the Green Energy Act, OFA recommends the Ministry direct regulators that the proposed regulatory amendments are not meant to completely remove RE from the discussion. OFA supports the OEB identifying barriers to Distributed Energy Resources (DER) connections and to standardize the connection process. This consultation should explore DER reforms while also reducing the carbon footprint in our energy systems.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA letter to the Ministry of Energy regarding renewable energy requirements
Updated: May 26, 2021