The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) is leading the Living Lab – Ontario, a project of Agriculture and Agri Food Canada (AAFC) Agricultural Climate Solutions (ACS) – Living Labs (LL) program. The goal of the Living Lab – Ontario is to use a collaborative approach to accelerate the adoption of BMPs that sequester carbon, mitigate GHG emissions and support environmental co-benefits such as water, soil, air, and biodiversity, though the process of co-development and testing on real farms.
The OSCIA led Consortium includes the following partners:
- Grain Farmers of Ontario,
- Dairy Farmers of Ontario,
- Ontario Sheep Farmers
- Beef Farmers of Ontario,
- Ontario Pork,
- Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario,
- Ontario Federation of Agriculture,
- Soils at Guelph,
- County of Wellington,
- Greenbelt Foundation,
- University of Guelph,
- University of British Columbia
- Livestock Research Innovation Corporation
The project will involve networks of farmers, researchers, agronomists, economists, and extension experts working collectively in the same geography and/or research area. By focusing on the needs and questions of the producer, the on-farm research will have regard farm systems and the variables that impact the effectiveness/adoption of beneficial management practices that sequester C and mitigate GHG impacts. This includes research on the social and behavioural aspects alongside technical and agronomic questions. Sharing results and experiences through KTT is a significant activity of the project.
This Living Lab – ON is well-positioned to create an exceptional level of collaboration between producers, scientists, organizations, and agriculture extension to ultimately amplify the adoption of BMPs that help sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Ontario agriculture. OFA is a proud contributor to the Living Lab – ON and looks forward to connecting our members to the project.
Media Release – Ontario Farmers to Investigate Climate-Smart Practices Through LL-ON.pdf