OFA provides comments to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding amendments to O. Reg. 79/15 to Further Streamline the Use of Alternative Low-Carbon Fuels. OFA supports reducing barriers for these facilities, to supplant the use of coal and petroleum coke with end-of-life material based low-carbon fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and divert waste from landfills. OFA supports efforts to ease regulatory burdens on industry, to improve efficiencies and increase participation. Ontario Regulation 79/15 provides industrial access to non-recyclable, non-hazardous wastes such as treated wood and plastic packaging that cannot be recycled. OFA supports the addition of dead animals, and waste resulting from the rendering of animals or animal by-products to the list of allowable low-carbon fuels to better use this waste resource. OFA encourages the Ministry to continue reviewing the list of restricted Energy From Waste materials (Schedule 1 in the Regulation) to further reduce harmful emissions produced by these industries and divert more waste from landfills.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding alternative low-carbon fuels
Updated: September 15, 2021