OFA provides comments to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding expanding administrative penalties for environmental contraventions. OFA has significant concerns in the difference in administrative penalty amounts charged to corporations versus individuals on agricultural operations. Corporations are subject to penalties that are 5 times higher than individuals. Agricultural operations are often structurally significantly different from industrial operations. OFA recommends that agricultural operations be treated as individuals regardless of incorporation status, and the penalty amounts adjusted to reflect this. OFA also recommends working with the agricultural community to clearly provide appropriate guidance on this for agricultural operations. OFA believes that APs should only be assessed on a per occurrence basis, not a per day penalty. OFA further recommends that money collected from agricultural operations under this framework should be reinvested into the agricultural community, enhancing existing agricultural environmental cost-share programs, instead of the “Ontario Community Environment Fund”.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding penalties for environmental contraventions
Updated: March 17, 2022