OFA provides comments to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes for the next edition of Ontario’s Building Code (OBC) – winter consultation. It is understood that these proposed changes to the Ontario Building Code (OBC) are meant to reflect changes to modern farming operations and the diversity among farm buildings and operations, accounting for their unique hazards, differences and structural changes or fire safety considerations. OFA also appreciates that the proposed changes aim to harmonize and update the OBC with the National Building Code (NBC) and the 1995 National Farm Building Code (NFBC), directly incorporating Farm Buildings into the OBC for the first time. However, OFA understands that the national provisions proposed for inclusion in the OBC are still in draft form at this time. OFA expects additional provincial consultation to take place should further changes appear in the final NBC provisions thereby impacting the OBC.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding proposed changes for Ontario’s Building Code
Updated: April 5, 2022