OFA provides comments to the International Joint Commission regarding the Expedited Review of Plan 2014 Phase 1 Report. OFA is appreciative of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Adaptive Management (GLAM) Committee’s recognition of significant issues resulting from the flooding events in 2017 and 2019 and responding with a process for an expedited review of Plan 2014. While we recognize that the expedited review had to begin somewhere, we implore the GLAM Committee to include the potential impacts on Ontario farms into the metrics considered within the Decision Support Tool (DST) going forward. It will assist the committee in better understanding the full implications of their decisions regarding the management of water levels. Increasing the amount of information available within the DST can only add to the credibility of the difficult decisions the Board must make.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to the International Joint Commission regarding the Expedited Review of Plan 2014 Phase 1 Report
Updated: April 26, 2022