OFA provides comments to the Environmental Policy Branch regarding the Subwatershed Planning Guide. OFA believes this document should directly reference the importance of the balancing of these interests, particularly the need for our land to provide for the production of food, fibre and fuel. Given that there have been differing interpretations of what constitutes a “wetland”, we recommend that the Subwatershed Planning Guide clearly adopt the definition included in the Provincial Policy Statements. Finally, it is essential that the subwatershed planning process include groundtruthing to ensure the accuracy of the information within the final plan. The information contained within this plan will provide the basis for many decisions. It must be absolutely accurate – it cannot rely on later steps in the planning process. Groundtruthing must include input from landowners who are much better suited at describing the features and functions on their land.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to the Environmental Policy Branch regarding the Subwatershed Planning Guide
Updated: March 16, 2022