OFA provides comments to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada regarding the National Agricultural Labour Strategy Consultation. OFA is pleased Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) is moving forward to develop a National Agricultural Labour Strategy to address the persistent and chronic labour shortages in farming and food processing. Addressing our labour issues is a key component to unlocking the potential growth of Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sectors, while ensuring the long-term strength and resilience of our Canadian food supply chain. With partners, in April 2022, the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) launched a National Workforce Strategy for Agriculture and Food and Beverage Manufacturing. This Strategic Plan has been framed around five key pillars: perceptions and industry awareness; people and workplace culture; immigration and foreign workers; skills development; and automation and technology. It is currently in the process of engaging industry expertise through five working groups to finalize short, medium, and long-term goals and objectives to address both urgent labour shortages and systemic workforce challenges. OFA supports the National Workforce Strategy for Agriculture and Food and Beverage Manufacturing developed by CAHRC.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada regarding the National Agricultural Labour Strategy Consultation
Updated: October 4, 2022