OFA provided comments on the proposed draft regulatory changes under the Environmental Protection Act and Ontario Water Resources Act to streamline permissions for certain low risk short-term water taking activities. OFA noted this proposal failed to address issues respecting interferences and failed to provide a process to resolve these issues. OFA believes there must be a clear system in place for checks and balances to ensure that the water supplies used by other water users are not interrupted or significantly impacted by these types of ‘low risk and short-term water takings’. OFA strongly recommended the implementation of a process to ensure farm operations are supplied adequate water and provided financial compensation for losses and/or increased costs when other water users cause an interruption to critical water sources. OFA encouraged the Ministry to consider including well rehabilitation in the exemptions under this proposal.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission regarding the government proposed draft regulatory changes exempting certain short-term water taking activities
Updated: November 21, 2020