OFA is pleased to provide comments to the Drainage Act regulatory proposal as Ontario’s municipal drains contribute positively to crop yields. OFA is in favour of both the simplified process for minor improvements and updating Engineer’s Reports for changes made during construction. OFA recommends that another use of the simplified process for the Engineer’s Reports could be for addressing the substantial changes in a portion of a drainage area arising from urban settlements, expanding onto neighbouring agricultural lands. OFA is in favour of the adoption of technical protocols by reference in regulation, ensuring that compliance with the Drainage Act & Section 28 Regulations Team (DART) addressing Drainage Act and Conservation Authorities Act protocol is no longer voluntary. OFA recommends that a protocol could be considered to look at “minor improvements enhancing environmental performance” that reduce the frequency of maintenance and/or repairs thereby having both economic benefits along with enhancing the drain’s environmental performance. It is common for maintenance issues to arise suddenly that, without immediate attention, can threaten flooding some of the drained lands and threaten the crop.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission regarding the Drainage Act regulatory proposal
Updated: February 16, 2021