OFA supported the Ontario government’s proposal to extend the existing moratorium on Permits To Take Water (PTTW) for new or increased takings for water bottling purposes while the Ministry looks to “thoroughly review and consider feedback received and further engage on how we can implement our proposed enhancements to Ontario’s water taking program.” OFA also recommended that the Ministry continue to work directly with the agricultural community regarding proposed changes to the PTTW program and policies. The agricultural sector holds approximately 64% of all PTTW across the Province. Therefore, it is essential that the agricultural community is included in any discussions regarding potential changes to the PTTW program. The realities of agriculture must be clearly understood to ensure that any proposed changes accommodate the unique nature of agricultural water takings.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA submission regarding proposed extension of the current moratorium on Permits to Take Water to produce bottled water
Updated: September 28, 2020