OFA provides comments to Andrew Chase at the Ministry of Transportation regarding commercial vehicle operator registration (CVOR). At OFA’s Annual General Meeting we passed a resolution to advocate on behalf of our membership to MTO to consider a modified CVOR for transporting farm production between fields and storage. OFA formally requests the consideration of developing a Modified Farm Operator CVOR, restricting the use of the permit to within 50 km of the main farm residence on the CVOR registration. As such, OFA asks that the Modified Farm Operator CVOR exclude sections of the test on regulations relating to international border crossings. Easing the requirements for border crossing knowledge would help reduce the propensity of farmers to use SPIHs and wagons to move local production along our highways, instead of using a combined tractor trailer.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA letter to the Ministry of Transportation regarding commercial vehicle operator registration
Updated: July 29, 2021