OFA provides comments to Hydro One Networks Inc. regarding the Chatham to Municipality of Lakeshore Transmission Draft Environmental Study Report. OFA expects and supports efforts of the Ontario Ministry of Energy, the IESO, utilities and the Ontario Energy Board, to adopt a fulsome planning and implementation process. OFA supports a transparent process to help impacted and nearby landowners, farmers and residents, with fair and balanced land acquisition negotiations. Considering the extensive engagement and consultations taken to date, as detailed in the Draft ESR appendices, OFA supports HONI efforts to continue public engagement, and to work with landowners through this planning process stage, the design and construction planning stage, proposed construction during 2022-23, and operation start-up in 2024-25.
Submissions & Correspondence
OFA letter to Hydro One Networks Inc. regarding the Draft Environmental Study Report
Updated: August 18, 2021