Our organizations congratulate you on the recent introduction of Bill 36-An Act to enact the Local Food Act, 2013 (Local Food Act).
Such legislation serves to highlight to the public, the opportunities and advantages of strong and robust food systems across Ontario. It will also serve, of course, as a launch pad for the further development of our food production, processing and distribution sector.
As you know, the food and farming sectors are a major economic engine in Ontario. We believe Bill 36 will assist in strengthening our sector and look forward to working with you in making that happen.
Considerable work has been done already on developing local food systems but more needs to be accomplished across the province. We intend to set our sights high with regards the goals and targets spoken of in the Local Food Act. We appreciate that these goals will be published and the government will follow-up with a report on the degree to which they have been achieved. The inclusion of public metrics helps ensure action and achievement.