In collaboration with several Ontario commodity groups and farm organizations, OFA provides comments to the Deputy Minister of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding an environmental farm agenda. The idea of a forum to discuss shared environmental goals and objectives of the Ontario agricultural sector was strongly supported by the organizations that make up EcoAg. All of our groups are involved in diverse committees, working groups and organizations with environmental goals and objectives but there isn’t one table that brings them all together in one place. OFA has offered to pull together a single meeting, inviting broad farm leadership to the table and invite both OMAFRA and MECP to come and present a vision of the Made in Ontario Environmental Plan as well as the province’s Climate Change goals and objectives for the next 1-3 years. We would appreciate your support and confirmation of OMAFRA participation in such a discussion. It’s our hope that after this initial meeting and discussion and establishing of a baseline understanding of the current state – the farm leaders would continue this discussion, identify shared priorities and values and areas where industry and government could work together to drive the farm environmental agenda forward in a mutually beneficial manner for all stakeholders.
Submissions & Correspondence
Joint letter to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding a farm environmental agenda
Updated: August 12, 2021